Why Reconscious Medical?
Everyone Has The Right To Shine Bright

The current model of psychopharmacology is broken. Clinical studies show that psychiatrists are failing to reach some 50% of the people who need them the most. Mainstream psychiatry hasn’t offered innovation in the treatment of depression -the leading cause of disability worldwide - since the advent of SSRI antidepressants in the late eighties. Meanwhile, the rates of opiate addiction, mental illness, and suicide are still on the rise, with no let-up in sight. Our mission is to pave a safer, more efficient way forward for the field of psychiatry and all the people whose lives are impacted by mental illness and addiction.

 Image of dark mountain during dusk and Ketamine Treatment
Ketamine is a medication chiefly used for starting and maintaining anesthesia. It induces dissociative anesthesia, a trance-like state providing pain relief, sedation, and amnesia. There are many distinguishing features of ketamine used for anesthesia. Ketamine helps maintain breathing and opens up airway rhythm flows, and stimulates the heart functions with increased blood pressure and moderate bronchodilation.
At lesser, sub-anesthetic doses, ketamine is actually a promising agent for pain and also treatment-resistant depression (TRD). However, the antidepressant action of a single administration of ketamine wanes with time, and also the consequences of repeated use (beyond the 6 suggested ketamine treatment for migraines sessions) have not been satisfactorily learned (if any).
Ketamine was discovered in 1956 and approved for use in the United States in 1970. It had been widely used for surgical procedures during the Vietnam War due to its safety, and with lesser dosages, ketamine can help ease pain. Ketamine helps sedatives work more efficiently and can help people use much less amounts of addictive painkillers, like morphine, following operation, etc. Ketamine is also used as a recreational drug for the hallucinogenic and dissociative properties. The good news is that ketamine is readily available as a standard medication.
How Does Ketamine Work?
A growing body of evidence points to the role of glutamate; a commonly distributed excitatory neurotransmitter, in mediating response to stress and the formation of traumatic memories. Ketamine is an ionotropic glutamatergic N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist.
Brain-derived neurotrophic variables perform a role in behavioral responses to classical antidepressants, but the effect on synaptic plasticity may take many weeks to manifest. In contrast, ketamine-mediated synaptic plasticity changes appear to occur within a matter of hours immediately after ketamine administration.
The current thinking is that 6-12 weeks after initiating treatment with traditional antidepressant(s), both dendritic growth and increased esophageal connections occur, but with ketamine, that can happen within 24 hours of their administration. It's not entirely clear how ketamine works. Because it exerts an antidepressant effect through a new mechanism, ketamine may be able to help people successfully manage depression when other treatments have not worked.
One most probable target for ketamine are the NMDA receptors in your brain. By binding to these particular receptors; ketamine appears to increase the amount of glutamate neurotransmitter in the spaces among the neurons. Glutamate then activates connections in another receptor called the AMPA receptor.
Together, the initial blockade of NMDA receptors and activation of AMPA receptors contribute to the release of other molecules that help neurons communicate with others forming new pathways. Referred to as synaptogenesis, this process affects feeling, thought patterns and cognition.
What Are The Medical Uses Of Ketamine Treatment For Migraines?
The use of ketamine in anesthesia reveals its own characteristics. It is actually a drug of preference for short-term methods when muscle mass relaxation is not required. The impact of ketamine on both respiratory and circulatory systems is unique from that of other anesthetics. Ketamine enhances breathing much less than most other available anesthetics. When used at anesthetic doses, ketamine usually stimulates rather than regrets the circulatory system.
Ketamine is commonly used with badly injured people and appears to be entirely safe. Ketamine has been regularly used for emergency operation within field conditions of war zones (for example; during the Vietnam War). A 2011 clinical practice guideline encourages the use of ketamine as a sedative in emergency medicine; especially during physically painful techniques.
Ketamine is the drug of choice for individuals in traumatic shock that are at risk of hypotension. Very low blood pressure is detrimental in people with severe head injury. Ketamine is least likely to cause low blood pressure and in most cases is able to prevent it. Ketamine treatment for migraines can be used for its acute pain treatment in emergency departments and in the perioperative phase in individuals with refractory painkillers. The dosages are somewhat lower than those used for sedation; nevertheless they truly are sub-anesthetic doses.
Researchers have been studying whether ketamine can help treat severe depression, including those that have experimented with other treatments or who are still in the clinic and potentially suicidal. The FDA has not approved it for that kind of use yet. But some psychiatrists are using ketamine experimentally with their patients that have this sort of depression.
In these particular studies, most people with severe depression typically get ketamine either through an IV, oral lozenge or a sinus mist about once per week in a ketamine treatment for migraines clinic under strict medical supervision. The ketamine difference begins with how fast the drug's effects kick in. In some cases, this procedure can alleviate symptoms of depression in only 2-3 hours! However, keep in mind that the results do vary. In some scientific reports, the majority of those who underwent the full 6 sessions experienced improved results/outcome by as much as 85%.
What Can I Expect The Day Of The Ketamine Treatment For Migraines?
No meals can be eaten for 8 hours before treatment. No gum, candy, or smoking for half an hour before as well. Water is okay but only up to 4 hours before treatment. Once checked in, a dose of Ketamine is administered over the course of 45-60 minutes. During this time, the patient will be continually monitored by a nurse/fully licensed mental health therapist and a doctor.
How Long Does Ketamine Treatment For Migraines Last?
During ketamine treatment for migraines, a patient usually responds to it within 1-3 sessions. If a person does not have any response at all, additional sessions will most likely not help. Instead, it's best to try other treatments for depression.
People who experience some relief from depression within 1 to a few treatments are very likely to extend their positive effects if the ketamine treatment for migraines is repeated a few more times. The subsequent sessions might help prolong the repercussions of ketamine, rather than achieving even more dramatic alleviation of signs. There are currently not any typical standardized guidelines for this type of approach.
Many ketamine centers offer 6 treatments initially (acute stage), and many offer follow-up sessions as the patient feels their outward symptoms creep back up again. Right after this, the patient and doctor decide whether or not to taper, or to stop ketamine treatment for migraines altogether; or to continue treatments at longer intervals.
The relief from a single session can last for just a couple of hours to as much as a few weeks. Most patients typically experience 1 or 2 weeks of relief. Unfortunately, with only 1 session, many patients have a return of their depressive symptoms. Research is being conducted into lengthening ketamine's biological impact in being able to receive just one session (instead of the current industry standard of 2 sessions/week) to attempt a longer-lasting benefit. Also its particular long-term safety and efficiency are being further studied.
Ketamine treatment for migraines is typically given 2 times a week, for as much as 6 treatments. This may change depending on an individual’s requirements and response. Usually patients can go home within 20-30 minutes of completion of their ketamine treatment for migraines.
Ketamine Treatment For Migraines Candidate Eligibility
A much lower dose of ketamine is given for depression combined with all the dosage necessary for treatment. Like opioids, ketamine has addictive properties. It is necessary to realize this when weighing risks and advantages. If you have a history of substance abuse such as alcohol or drugs; it's especially important for you and your doctor to consider whether ketamine is a good option or not for you.
Presently, you'll find limited empirically established recommendations for the use of ketamine treatment for migraines in psychiatric disorders. Therefore, the selection of appropriate candidates for ketamine treatment for migraines requires careful consideration regarding the risks and advantages of the treatment in context of the individual's seriousness of depression, duration of present episode, past treatment history, and urgency for treatment.
Our patients are screened carefully using a range of evidenced-based tests and procedures to determine if they are eligible for ketamine treatment for migraines. Our treatment could possibly be a true and lasting success for patients with depression who have not benefited from antidepressant medications in the past.
Cost Of Ketamine Treatment For Migraines
Ketamine treatment for migraines is currently not covered by insurance because it has not been authorized by the FDA for a psychiatric indication. We offer ketamine treatment for migraines on the self-pay basis. For more information about our prices please contact us today.
Ketamine Depression Treatment
Ketamine is a powerful and rapid-acting antidepressant. Administering ketamine in treatment resistant depression results in enhanced disposition within 4 hours reaching the peak at 24 hours. The effect is diminished at 7 days, and most patients relapse within 10 days, although for a significant minority the improvement may last 30 days or longer.
Individuals with depression who also display psychotic indications like delusions or hallucinations, are somewhat more likely to be treatment resistant. Another depressive feature that has been associated with inadequate response to treatment is longer duration of manic episodes.
Finally, individuals with more acute depression and those that are suicidal are far more likely to become non-responsive to ketamine treatment for migraines. Ketamine can, however, decrease suicidal thoughts for up to 3 days after the session. Although ketamine has already been accredited for use as an antidepressant, the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments recommends ketamine as a third-line treatment for depression.
Intravenous infusion of ketamine has never been directly compared with intranasal esketamine, but a comparative meta-analysis of clinical trials indicates the excellence of intravenous ketamine; which has a greater overall response and remission rate, as well as lower amount of dropouts.
Ketamine seems to be a rapid-acting antidepressant. It received a breakthrough designation from the FDA for treatment-resistant depression (TRD) in 2013 and major depressive disorder (MDD) with accompanying suicidal ideation in 2016. The medication had been researched for use in combination with an antidepressant in men and women with TRD who were previously unresponsive to treatment; 6 stage III clinical trials for this indication were conducted in 2017.
There's a very clear demand for new treatments for major depressive disorder, and experts agree that ketamine can rapidly treat depression and other mental health conditions. Drug companies are testing equivalent medications for depression, suicidality, and bipolar disorder; but ketamine has not yet been approved for all these conditions.
In January 2020, “Esketamine” (Spravato/ketamine nasal spray) was rejected from the National Health Service of Great Britain. The NHS questioned the advantages and also claimed that it was overly costly. Men and women who were already using the Spravato/ketamine nasal spray are allowed to complete treatment if their doctors consider this mandatory.
People usually take antidepressants for a couple weeks before they start to work. Those medicines will want to build up in your system first to have any real or lasting effect. Ketamine is unique in that it’s effects on depression occur almost immediately. Researchers aren't sure why that is. One notion is that ketamine prompts connections to discriminate brain cells that are involved with the controls associated with mood. Therefore ketamine works much more rapidly than the present antidepressant prescriptions available on the open market.
The director (Thomas Insel, MD) of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) says, "Current data suggests that ketamine, given intravenously, might function as the absolute most essential breakthrough in anti-depressant treatment in years.”
Ketamine Treatment For Migraines And Major Depression
Ketamine was once used mainly as an anesthetic on battlefields as well as in operating rooms. Now this medication is gaining ground as a promising treatment for some instances of major depression; which is the most leading cause of disability throughout the world. In the United States, latest estimates show 16 million adults experienced an episode of major depression in the course of a year. Suicide rates climbed substantially between 1999-2016, increasing by greater than 30% in 25 states. Because of its rapid action, ketamine might have a role to perform in helping to prevent suicide.
For those who positively respond to ketamine; you can expect to rapidly reduce suicidality (life-threatening thoughts and behaviors) and reduce other acute indicators of depression. Ketamine also can work for treating depression combined with stress. Clearly, further help is required to handle what many experts consider a national crisis. The increase in suicides speaks to our limitations as a field and also a culture by not being able to identify who is most at risk and then developing efficient strategies to manage those risks and symptoms.
Other treatments for suicidal thoughts and depression often take weeks or even months to take effect, and most people want to use various medications or approaches to gain a significant reduction in negative symptoms. This is legitimate for psychotherapy, antidepressant medicines, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which is currently the most effective treatment for major depression when all other therapies for depression have failed. Bluntly put; this is unacceptable as it is archaic and super intrusive on the body and brain.
Regrettably, suicide is a leading public health concern and also a leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there were more than 2X as many suicides (44,965) in the USA than there were homicides (19,362) in 2016. Additionally, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death overall in the United States. Men and women die by suicide more than breast cancer annually.
Ketamine Treatment For Migraines And For Ongoing Depression Management
Ketamine is a great treatment for individuals suffering from debilitating depression! There are 3 standard categories of drug treatment that can be used to help a clinic/provider diagnose when a medication course is discovered to be ineffective.
Medication: This is when you prescribe a medication to the patient.
Antidepressants: This means you integrate another medication(s) into the patient's current treatment plan. This can include combination therapy (the combination of 2 types of antidepressants augmentation or augmentation therapy): the addition of a non-anti-depressant medication that may increase the efficacy of the anti-depressant.
Some off label antidepressants include low dose ketamine and extremely serotonergic catecholamines (including a very controlled use of MDMA in the treatment of PTSD and crippling depression/anxiety). For lethargic syndromes, dysthymia, or caffeine-resistant amotivation, a dopaminergic stimulant like methylphenidate, or even 2.5 milligrams dextroamphetamine can be helpful.
Dose Increase: Increasing the dosage of an antidepressant is actually a common strategy to treat depression that is not responding properly after adequate treatment duration. Practitioners who use this strategy will usually increase the dose prior to the person reporting that their intolerable side effect symptoms are eliminated. Also the dose is increased into the limit of what is considered protected and sound.
Antidepressants Versus Ketamine Treatment For Migraines
Research into ketamine being an antidepressant began in the 1990s with Dr. Krystal along with his colleagues Dennis Charney, MD, and Ronald Duman, PhD, at the Yale School of Medicine. At that time depression was considered a "blackbox" disease, meaning that very little was known about its causes.
One common notion was the “Serotonin Hypothesis,” which asserted that people with depression had low levels of the neurotransmitter called serotonin. The Serotonin Hypothesis came about by accident. Certain drugs were given to treat other diseases like hypertension and tuberculosis which seemed to drastically affect the people's moods. This discovery culminated in a new class of drugs meant to treat depression, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The earliest one formulated for the mass marketplace was Prozac.
Eventually it became evident that the serotonin hypothesis did not completely explain depression. SSRIs have been of limited help to more than 1/3 of men and women suffering from depression. But growing research showed that the receptors that these drugs target (such as serotonin) accounts for less than 20% of the receptor in a person's brain. The other 80% are called GABA and glutamate receptors.
GABA and glutamate have been known to perform a function in seizure disorders and schizophrenia. Together, the 2 neuro-transmitters form a complex push-and-pull response; sparking and stopping electrical processes in your brain. Researchers feel that they could possibly be responsible for regulating the bulk of brain processing; including mood.
What's more, intense stress can change glutamate signaling in the brain and also have impacts on the neurons that make sure they are less adaptable and less in a position to communicate with other neurons. This means stress and depression make it more challenging to deal with negative events for individuals struggling with difficult life events.
Interestingly; scientific studies from Yale research labs showed that ketamine activates glutamate production, and this, in an intricate, cascading string of events, drives the brain to form new neural connections. This makes the brain more flexible and can create new pathways and gives patients the opportunity to build up more positive thoughts and behaviors. This was an effect that had not been seen before with traditional antidepressants.
Yale Medicine psychiatrist, Gerard Sanacora, MD, PhD said, “The interesting and exciting part of this discovery is that it came largely out of basic neuroscience research, instead of chance. It wasn't just, hey let's try this drug and see what happens.”
For the last 20 years, researchers at Yale have led ketamine research by experimenting with using subanesthetic doses of ketamine intravenously in a controlled clinic setting for patients with severe depression who have not been enhanced with conventional antidepressant treatments. The results have been dramatic. In several research studies, more than half of individuals show a significant decrease in depression symptoms after only 24 hours. All these are patients who felt no meaningful improvement on other antidepressant medications.
What is really important for people to understand is that ketamine has to become a part of a broader treatment plan for depression. Patients will often say that they don't want other medications or psychotherapy; rather they just want ketamine. It is extremely improbable that a single dose, or even a few doses of ketamine alone, will remedy your depression.
These rapid benefits can be sustained with extensive treatment plans that include ongoing treatments with ketamine. Additionally, it seems to help facilitate the creation of new neural pathways that can help you develop resiliency and protect against the return of your depression. This is the reason why ketamine can be most effective when combined with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a sort of psychotherapy that helps patients learn productive attitudes and behaviors. Ongoing research, including clinical trials, addressing this idea are now under way at Reconscious Medical.
The drug “Esketamine” is one version of the ketamine molecule and makes up half of what is seen in the commonly used anesthetic form of the drug. It works similarly, but its chemical makeup allows it to bind more closely to the NMDA glutamate receptors, thus making it 2-5X stronger. This means that patients need a lower dose of Esketamine than they do with ketamine. In the end, the FDA endorsement of Esketamine gives doctors another invaluable tool in their toolbox against depression and offers new hope for those patients that no one had been able to help before.
Ketamine was originally approved by the FDA as an anesthetic, but is increasingly being used to treat mood disorders like treatment-resistant depression, anxiety disorders, and PTSD. Some reports have also found it successful for treating suicidal ideation.
Ketamine For Treatment Resistant Depression
Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) is a term used in clinical psychiatry to describe a condition that influences people with major depressive disorder (MDD) who do not respond adequately to some course of appropriate antidepressant medication within a certain amount of time. Common definitions of TRD fluctuate, but they usually do not include a resistance to psychological treatments.
Inadequate response has traditionally been defined as, “No Clinical Response” (no improvement in depressive symptoms). However, lots of clinicians consider a response inadequate in the event the person does not reach full remission of signs and symptoms. Individuals with treatment resistant depression (TRD) who usually do not adequately respond to antidepressant treatment are sometimes known as pseudo-resistant. Some things that contribute to inadequate treatment include: early discontinuation of treatment, insufficient dosage of medication, patient non-compliance, misdiagnosis, along with concurrent psychiatric disorders.
Cases of treatment resistant depression might be associated with certain medications people with TRD are resistant to. In TRD, adding additional treatments such as psychotherapy, lithium, or aripiprazole is supported as of 2019. Ketamine treatment for migraines is not just a first-line therapy for psychiatric disorders or chronic pain management. Studies vary but have discovered response rates to ketamine as high as 70% among men and women with major depression who have failed other antidepressants.
Two main varieties of ketamine have been used to treat acute depression that hasn't responded to 2 or more medications (treatment resistant depression).
Racemic ketamine, which is most often given as an infusion into the blood vessels. This is a mixture of 2 mirror-image molecules:"R" and"S" ketamine. Although it has been approved decades ago from the FDA, it is used off-label to treat depression. The 2 forms of ketamine interact differently with glands in the brain.
Esketamine (Spravato), is FDA approved and is given as a nasal spray. Up to now, most research has been on ketamine infusions.
Why Should I Consider Ketamine Treatment For Migraines And For My Depression?
Around the world, over 1,015,000 patients have now been treated with ketamine. Ketamine is a fantastic medication to use for depression. But why would someone ultimately switch to ketamine when there are other, FDA-approved, antidepressants available?
We have a crisis going on today and the traditional medications for depression are not incredibly powerful. While ketamine is not FDA-approved for depression, 70% of those medications prescribed today are “off-tag” for at least 1 use. Commonly prescribed antidepressants take weeks or even months before a patient experiences any rest from the debilitating symptoms of depression.
Standard pharmaceutical antidepressants can also cause nausea, drowsiness or insomnia, as well as constipation. Additionally, excess weight gain which is associated with commonly prescribed antidepressants is absolutely not a negative side effect of ketamine. Ketamine’s fast-acting nature could be the absolute most essential feature of the medication.
Ketamine Versus SSRIs
All too often the traditional medications prescribed for depression are either not fast-acting or powerful enough. This is why ketamine is a powerful alternative for most patients. It works in another way opposed from an SSRI such as Lexapro or Zoloft. It is a totally different mechanism. The classical shorthand explanation for how SSRIs work is through the "Chemical Imbalance" concept. This occurs when there is a shortage of serotonin, and SSRIs increase serotonin levels.
Depression is linked to the build-up of proteins in the brain. Ketamine can repair damage to the brain that happened as a result of long-term stress hormones. Your overall body's response to stress drains cortisol and other hormones in the brain plus they also damage it in the process. Ketamine is thought to have far more rapid effects on increasing brain plasticity.
Ketamine Treatment For Migraines And Mild To Severe Anxiety
Ketamine was examined and shown to be effective with an array of stress disorders, including unhappiness, general anxiety disorder (GAD), and PTSD, although the data on its efficacy in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are more combined.
Risk Factors Of Ketamine Treatment For Migraines
Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders: Comorbid psychiatric disorders commonly go undetected in the treatment of depression. If left untreated, the symptoms of those disorders can interfere with both the evaluation and treatment. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common disorder types associated with treatment resistant depression. The 2 disorders commonly co-exist, and have some serious symptoms.
Some reports have shown that patients with MDD and anxiety disorder will be the most inclined to be non-responsive to treatment. Substance abuse may also be considered a predictor of treatment resistant depression. It can cause miserable patients to be noncompliant in their treatment, and also the ramifications of certain substances can worsen the consequences of depression. Other psychiatric disorders that may forecast treatment resistant depression include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and eating disorders.
Comorbid Medical Disorders: Some men and women who are diagnosed with treatment resistant depression may have an underlying undiagnosed health condition that is causing or contributing to their depression. Endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, and Addison's disease are among one of the most commonly identified as contributing to depression. Another variable is that medications used to treat comorbid medical disorders may lessen the efficacy of antidepressants or cause depression signs and symptoms.
Others causes of depression include but are not limited to:
Coronary Heart Disease
Parkinson's Disease
Various Treatments Available Through Ketamine
Other Concurrent Medications: Medications that have been shown to be effective in people with treatment resistant depression besides ketamine and esketamine include: lithium, triiodothyronine, benzodiazepines, atypical antipsychotics, along with stimulants. Adding lithium might be effective for people taking some kinds of antidepressants; but it might not be as effective in patients taking SSRIs.
Triiodothyroxine (T3) is a form of thyroid hormone that has been associated with improvement in mood and depression. Benzodiazepines can improve treatment resistant depression by decreasing the negative effects caused by some anti-depressants and therefore increasing patient compliance.
Since the entrance of olanzapine into psychopharmacology, many psychiatrists have been adding low-dose olanzapine to antidepressants as well as other atypical antipsychotics such as aripiprazole along with quetiapine. Eli Lilly, the company that sells both the olanzapine and fluoxetine individually, has also released a combination formulation that contains olanzapine and fluoxetine in a single capsule. Some low to moderate quality evidence points to success in the brief expression (8-12 weeks) using mianserin (or antipsychotics cariprazine, olanzapine, quetiapine or ziprasidone) to augment antidepressant medications.
Those particular medications listed above have shown promise in treating depression but come with serious side effects. Stimulants such as amphetamines and methylphenidate have also been tested with favorable results but have potential for abuse. Ketamine has been analyzed as a rapid-acting antidepressant for treatment resistant depression in bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder as well as many other disorders.
On a side note…a 2016 placebo randomized controlled trial evaluated the rapid sedative effects of the psychedelic ayahuasca in treatment resistant depression with a favorable outcome.
Electroconvulsive Therapy: Electroconvulsive therapy is generally only considered as a treatment option in acute cases of treatment resistant depression. It is used when medication has repeatedly failed to boost symptoms, and usually when the patient's symptoms are so acute that they have been hospitalized. Electroconvulsive therapy has been found to cut back thoughts of suicide and also relieve depressive signs and symptoms. It is associated with the increase in glial cell line derived neurotrophic elements.
RTMS: rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) is gradually becoming known as an invaluable therapeutic option in treatment resistant depression. A number of randomized placebo-controlled trials have compared real versus sham rTMS. These trials have consistently demonstrated the effectiveness of this treatment against leading depression.
Additionally, there have also been a number of meta-analyses of RCTs confirming the efficacy of rTMS in treatment resistant major depression, in addition to naturalistic studies showing its effectiveness in true life clinical settings.
DTMS: dTMS (deep transcranial magnetic stimulation) is just a continuation of exactly the same idea as rTMS, but with the expectation that deeper stimulation of subcortical areas of the brain leads to increased effect. A 2015 systematic review and health engineering assessment uncovered lacking signs in order to recommend the method within ECT or rTMS because few studies had been published.
Psychotherapy: There is sparse evidence on the efficacy of psychotherapy in scenarios of treatment resistant depression. However, a certain study shows that it may be an efficient treatment option. Psychotherapy could possibly succeed in people with TRD because it can help minimize stress that may contribute to gastrointestinal signs and symptoms.
A Cochrane systematic review has shown that psychological treatments (including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy and intensive short term energetic psychotherapy) put into daily use (in combination with antidepressants) can be good for depressive symptoms and for response and remission rates over the short term (up to 2 months) for patients with TRD. Medium (7-12 months) and long‐term (longer than 12 months) effects seem likewise favorable. Psychological treatments included to standard care (antidepressants) seem as acceptable as usual care alone.
Substance Abuse (Alcohol) Treatment: Treatment resistant depression is associated with increased instances of alcoholism in relation to depression that is responsive to treatment. One study showed that as many as 80% of people with TRD, who had significantly more than one course of treatment, relapsed within 1 year. Treatment resistant depression is also associated with lower long-term quality of life.
Another study observed that only 8 of 124 patients were in remission after 2 years of standard treatment with non ketamine based therapy and medicines.
Epidemiology: Treatment resistance is relatively common in people with MDD. Rates of total remission following antidepressant treatment have been only 50%, at best. In scenarios of depression treated by a key care physician, 32% of men and women partially responded to treatment and 4%-5% did not respond at all.
Negative Side Effects Of Ketamine
The ketamine treatment for migraines side effects include, but are not limited to: Hypertension
Hallucination (Perceptual Disturbances)
Dry mouth
Raised blood pressure
Blurred vision
Feelings of detachment or disconnection from truth
Increased/decreased body temperature
Headaches or migraines

Generally, some changes in perception or dissociation are noticeable during the first procedure and stop quickly thereafter. However, liver and urinary toxicity are somewhat common among ordinary illicit street abusers of ketamine. Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist which accounts for the majority of its benefits except for the antidepressant effect; which is the ongoing cause of much more research and debate.
All of these negative consequences are most pronounced during the beginning of the session, which dramatically reduce approximately 45 minutes later. The majority of everything else should completely disappear within 4 hours after the session. The majority of ketamine studies have only followed patients for 1 year, which means doctors do not yet know how it might have an effect on patients over longer lengths of time. Others worry that since ketamine is sometimes abused (being a street drug), there can be a downside to making it more readily available, as it might increase the chances that it will end up in the wrong hands.
Urinary toxicity does occur chiefly in ketamine abusers, with 20%-30% of frequent users having gut complaints. It includes a range of disorders from cystitis to hydronephrosis to kidney failure. The most common symptoms of ketamine-induced cystitis are common urination, dysuria, and urinary urgency, sometimes combined with pain during urination and blood in your urine. The damage to the bladder wall has similarities to both interstitial and eosinophilic cystitis. The wall is thickened, and also the functional bladder capacity is as little as 10-150 mL.
The first step in the management of ketamine-induced cystitis involves ketamine cessation. This is followed closely by NSAIDs along with anticholinergics and, in the event the response is insufficient, by tramadol. The second line treatments are epithelium-protective agents, such as oral pentosan, polysulfate or intravesical (intra-bladder) installation of hyaluronic acid.
Celiac toxicity of ketamine involves greater dosages and repeated administration. In a group of chronic ketamine abusers, the frequency of liver injury has been documented to be only about 10%. Once you start the journey of research, you will find reports of increased liver enzymes involving treatment of chronic pain.
At anesthetic doses, 10%-20% of grown ups (1%-2% of children) experience negative psychiatric reactions that happen during emergence from anesthesia, ranging from visions and dysphoria to hallucinations and emergence delirium. These can be counteracted by being pre-treated with benzodiazepine or propofol. Providers need to remember that cystitis and reduced urinary tract pathologies (detrusor overactivity) have been reported in long-term ketamine users, but typically only at high doses.
Ketamine anesthesia commonly causes tonic-clonic movements (greater than 10% of individuals) and infrequently hypertonia. Vomiting can be expected in 5%-15% of these patients; pre-treatment with propofol mitigates it well. Laryngospasm does occur only rarely with ketamine. Ketamine, generally stimulates breathing; however, in the first 2-3 full minutes of a high-dose rapid intravenous injection; it can cause a transient respiratory depression.
At lesser sub-anesthetic dosages, psychiatric side effects are prominent. A majority of patients feel strange, spacey, either woozy or floating, or have visual distortions or tingling. Also very common (20%-50%) people experience trouble speaking, have bouts of confusion, euphoria, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. The signs of psychosis such as going into a “K-hole,” disappearing, feeling like you are melting, experiencing various sounds and colors (hallucinations) have been described by 6%-10% of individuals.
The main side effects of ketamine may include dissociative adjustments and nausea that are transient and mild. If they do occur, a momentary elevation of heart rate and blood pressure often happens alongside. These issues are well tolerated and usually do not result in the discontinuation of treatment. During the session you can feel a bit floaty or disconnected, but that typically lasts for only about 45 minutes.
For many who have switched to ketamine for their personal medication; the majority of responses tend to be that they feel different and better from when they were taking SSRIs. People often describe a clarity of thinking, the lifting of the burden of depression, an emotional smoothing, as well as, an increased functional capacity that can take effect within the first few hours following ketamine treatment for migraines.
When mis-used, ketamine can vastly adjust your sense of sight and sound. You can have hallucinations and feel out of contact with your surroundings and also from yourself. It can make it really difficult to talk or use normal body functions. Ketamine, along with Reconscious Medical, is a miracle drug offering true and lasting healing!
As for the possibility of becoming addicted to ketamine; once used like a party drug, it is simply not an issue. Reports show that the exact low doses used in a medical setting, along with shortage of access at-home and infrequent dosing; there is virtually no potential for addiction or abuse. Furthermore, benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Ativan, etc.) can dull the anti-depressant effects of ketamine.
Ketamine's psychedelic side effects make it more of a common recreational drug. At lesser doses, the predominant outcomes are stimulating, and users experience mild dissociation with hallucinations and a distortion of time and space. However, larger doses can induce far more intense, schizophrenia-like symptoms, as well as perceptions. Although these effects resolve rapidly, long-term use can cause additional pronounced and persistent neuropsychiatric symptoms. For this reason, ketamine must be used cautiously with other drugs that alter mood and perception, including alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines and cannabis.
Ketamine treatment for migraines and for clinical depression is relatively new, but has long been shown to have beneficial effects on clinically depressed patients. Not everyone who receives ketamine treatment for migraines and for depression experiences relief, but some early studies show results in the 60%-70% range of positive responses.
Ketamine treatment for migraines is given in far smaller doses and in briefer duration than required for anesthesia functions. During the session you may experience an altered mental status, although you will be awake and able to speak; you will return to your typical mental state rapidly when the session is over.
It is always in your best interest to plan on not driving or operating heavy machinery; or not to care for the young or elderly; or to not prepare/sign any important documents on the days you receive your ketamine treatment for migraines. All drugs have negative outcomes. When someone is suicidal or badly depressed, potential benefits may outweigh the potential risks. Always consult a licensed physician to see what options are best for you.
Here are some other negative side effects of Ketamine (if taken without the aid of a licensed doctor) that would require emergency medical care:
Blood in your pee
Issues with peeing
Needing to urinate often
Pale or bluish Lips, skin or fingernails
Blurry vision
Chest pain
Difficulty breathing
Difficulties with swallowing
Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting
Irregular heartbeat
Swollen eyelids, face, lips or tongue
Excessive emotions, all over the map
Fatigue or weakness

It's feasible to get addicted or need larger doses to feel these effects. (This is less likely to come about when you get ketamine for medical reasons). An overdose can be hazardous in those with coronary disease/issues.
Can I Develop A Dependence From Ketamine Treatment For Migraines?
Some regular users of ketamine acquire ketamine dependence. Increased subjective feelings of being “high” have been claimed in healthy human volunteers vulnerable to ketamine. Animal experiments also confirm the risk of abuse. Additionally, the rapid onset of ramifications following insufflation may increase ketamine’s recreational use.
Ketamine tolerance rapidly develops, even with repeated medical use, prompting the use of higher doses. Some everyday users claimed withdrawal signs, chiefly anxiety, shaking, sweating, and palpitations following the attempts to stop. Cognitive deficits, in addition to increased dissociation and delusion, are outward symptoms that are observed in ordinary recreational users of ketamine.
Naltrexone potentiates psychotomimetic effects of the minimal dose of ketamine, whilst lamotrigine and nimodipine reduce them. Clonidine reduces the salivation, heart rate and blood pressure increases during ketamine anesthesia and decreases the incidence of nightmares.
Clinical observations suggest that benzodiazepines diminish the anti-depressant effects of ketamine. Ketamine is generally used to treat resistant depression as an add-on into a wide variety of antidepressants. Thus, it appears most conventional antidepressants can also be securely combined with ketamine.
The antagonism of this NMDA receptor is responsible for your analgesic, also psychotomimetic effects of ketamine. NMDA receptor antagonism results in analgesia by preventing central sensitization in dorsal horn neurons; in other phrases, ketamine's actions interfere with pain transmission in the spinal cord.
The mechanism of the anti-depressant action of ketamine is uncertain. It is not clear if the NMDA receptor is completely responsible for this action or interactions with other organs are also crucial. It is not clear whether ketamine alone is adequate for the anti-depressive action or its metabolites are additionally essential.
It has been explained that acute blockade of NMDA receptors in the brain results in an activation of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPA receptors), which in turn modulate a number of downstream signaling pathways to influence neurotransmission in the bronchial system and mediate stimulant effects of NMDA receptor antagonists like ketamine.
Such downstream actions of this activation of AMPA receptors include; upregulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and activation of its signaling receptor, tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB), activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, deactivation of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3), and inhibition of this phosphorylation of this eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2) kinase. In addition to blockade of the NMDA receptor, the active metabolite of ketamine, hydroxynorketamine, does not interact with all the NMDA receptor, but nonetheless indirectly activates AMPA receptors, and it may also or alternatively be involved in the rapid-onset antidepressant results of ketamine.
Recent research has shown that the acute inhibition of their lateral habenula, the part of the brain in the bronchial system that was referred to as the"anti-reward center" (projecting to and inhibiting the mesolimbic reward pathway along with modulating other bronchial regions), may be involved in the antidepressant effects of ketamine.
Additional animal research indicates that arketamine, the enantiomer with a weaker NMDA receptor antagonism, and (2R,6R)-hydroxynorketamine, the metabolite with negligible affinity with the NMDA receptor, but also a potent Alpha7 nicotinic receptor antagonist, can have anti-depressive action. It is now argued that NMDA receptor antagonism might possibly not be responsible for the anti-depressant effects of ketamine.
Why Do Most Clinics Provide Subpar Ketamine Treatment For Migraines?
As a whole, mental health specialists do not begrudge ketamine centers for opening their doors and offering a potentially favorable treatment for patients before it’s truly permitted by the FDA; but, some believe that there are clinics that are going too far in their promises and not caring adequately for their patients. Ketamine gives hope to patients with acute depression, but some clinics stray from the science and hype their own gains.
Screening techniques, as well as the area of collaboration with mental health providers, differ tremendously from one ketamine clinic to another. Some patients might not get the help they desire, especially if they don't really respond to ketamine.
Experts additionally express concern about the coordination of care involving clinics along with the patient's usual providers. Some clinics say they'll work with a patient's mental health provider whether or not you want one to do so.
In many circumstances, ketamine providers at certain clinics aren't qualified to provide the needed mental health care that goes along with ketamine treatment for migraines, on their own. They are often anesthesiologists or pain physicians, as well as in some situations, nurse practitioners. The sad fact is that most ketamine clinics have no mental health providers on staff.
The APA says that doctors/clinics providing ketamine treatment for migraines must be trained in how to tackle behavioral health troubles, because ketamine can cause dissociative consequences, including but not limited to, hallucinations. Therefore, it is critical that ketamine clinics have caregivers qualified to make sure certain patients aren't at risk for behavioral issues, including suicidal thoughts, before they are cleared to return home.
The APA also strongly recommended that each and every clinic come up with conventional operating procedures based on the best evidence practices readily available. That plan must outline apparent steps for screening and also obtaining informed consent; assessment of the patient's physical and mental status before, during, and right after sessions; and a plan for managing problems that appear during or following ketamine treatment for migraines.
History Of Ketamine
Ketamine was first synthesized in 1962 by Calvin L. Stevens, a professor of Chemistry at Wayne State University and a Parke-Davis consultant. This was understood by the developmental code name CI-581. Immediately after promising preclinical research in creatures, ketamine was tested in human prisoners in 1964. These investigations demonstrated ketamine's small duration of action and paid off behavioral toxicity generated it a positive choice over phencyclidine (PCP) as an anesthetic.
Unlike the other well-known dissociatives phencyclidine (PCP) and dextromethorphan (DXM), ketamine is extremely short-acting. It takes effect within about 10 minutes, while its hallucinogenic results can last 60 minutes when insufflated or injected and up to 2 hours when ingested orally.
At subanesthetic doses from a medical point of view; ketamine delivers a dissociative state, characterized by a sense of detachment from one's body and the external world which is known as depersonalization and derealization. At sufficiently higher doses, users may experience what is called the"K-hole", a state of dissociation with visual and auditory hallucinations.
The researchers were going to call the state of ketamine anesthesia, "dreaming" but Parke-Davis did not like it. Hearing about this problem and about the "disconnected" appearance of their patients; the spouse of one of the pharmacologists working on ketamine, Edward Domino, implied "dissociative anesthesia". Following FDA approval in 1970, ketamine anesthesia had been first given to American troops during the Vietnam War.
In the 1980’s and 1990’s ketamine was used as a club drug referred to as, ”Special K" for the trip-inducing side effects. The discovery of antidepressant action of ketamine in 2000 was described as the single most important advance in the treatment of depression in over 50 years. That discovery ignited interest in NMDA receptor antagonists for depression and altered the direction of antidepressant research and development.
Seeing an "urgent need for advice," an American Psychiatric Association (APA) task force issued a consensus statement in April of 2017 that laid out the medical evidence on ketamine, the kind of training it thought doctors should have, and also advice for meticulously screening patients. Because ketamine can possibly impact your coronary heart rate or blood pressure in some patients, it recommended clinicians who provide treatment have advanced cardiac life support certification.
The committee said that the screening process for every patient should include an all-inclusive diagnostic assessment, an in-depth look at a patient's history of depression treatments, also a careful review of medical and psychiatric records, and also a clear informed consent process that walks a patient through the risks and limitations of ketamine treatment for migraines.
Esketamine was introduced for medical use as an anesthetic in Germany in 1997, and was subsequently promoted in other nations. In addition to its own analgesic results, the medication showed possessions of being a fully rapid-acting antidepressant and has been subsequently investigated for use as such. In November 2017, it completed stage III clinical trials for treatment resistant depression in the United States.
Johnson & Johnson registered a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) New Drug Application (NDA) for acceptance on September 4, 2018. The application was supported by an FDA advisory panel on February 12, 2019, and on March 5, 2019, the FDA approved esketamine, in conjunction with an oral anti-depressant, for its treatment of depression in adults.
Ketamine In Society/Culture & Recreational Use
In the late 2010’s and early 2020’s, regulation enforcement agencies in some US states started to direct paramedics to use ketamine to sedate people under arrest; sometimes under the auspices of treatment for its controversial diagnosis "excited delirium".
The American Society of Anesthesiologists and American College of Emergency Physicians opposes the use of ketamine or some other agent to incapacitate someone solely for a law enforcement purpose. While ketamine is legally marketed in many nations globally, it is also a controlled substance in most nations.
At subanesthetic doses, ketamine delivers a dissociative state, characterized by a feeling of detachment from one's body and also the outside universe, which is called depersonalization and derealization. At sufficiently higher doses, users may experience what is called the"K-hole," (a state of dissociation with visual and auditory hallucinations). John C. Lilly, Marcia Moore, D. M. Turner and David Woodard (amongst others) have written extensively about their very particular entheogenic use of, also psychonautic experiences with ketamine.
Turner died prematurely due to drowning during presumed unsupervised ketamine use. In 2006 the Russian edition of Adam Parfrey’s, “Apocalypse Culture II'' was banned and destroyed by authorities, owing to its inclusion of an article by Woodard about the entheogenic use of, also psychonautic experiences, with ketamine.
United Kingdom: In the United Kingdom, it became labeled a Class C drug on January 1, 2006. On December 10, 2013, the UK Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) recommended that the government re-classify ketamine to become a Class B Drug; and on February 12, 2024 the Home Office declared it would stick to this advice in light of the signs of chronic harms associated with ketamine use, including chronic kidney, along with other urinary tract, damage.
The United Kingdom Minister of State for Crime Prevention, Norman Baker, responding to the ACMD's advice, stated that the issue of its rescheduling for medical and veterinary use would be addressed separately to allow for a length of consultation. Recreational use of ketamine was documented in early 1970’s in underground literature (The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers). It had been used in psychiatric and other instructional research through the 1970’s, culminating in 1978 with all the publishing of psychonaut John Lilly’s, “The Scientist,” also Marcia Moore and also Howard Alltounian’s, “Journeys into the Bright World,” that documented the unusual phenomenology of ketamine intoxication.
The incidence of non-medical ketamine use increased at the close of the century, especially in the context of raves and other underground parties. Ketamine’s emergence as a club drug differs from other drugs, like MDMA, however, due to the anesthetic attributes (slurred speech and/or immobilization) at greater doses; in addition, reports of ketamine being marketed as "ecstasy", are common.
In the 1993 publication, “E for Ecstasy” (it is about the use of the street drug, Ecstasy, in Great Britain), the author, activist, and Ecstasy advocate, Nicholas Saunders, highlighted test results showing that certain consignments of the drug also contained ketamine. Consignments of Ecstasy referred to as "Strawberry" contained, what Saunders described as a potentially harmful combination of ketamine, ephedrine, along with selegiline, as did a consignment of "Sitting Duck" Ecstasy tablets. The use of ketamine as part of the "post-clubbing experience" continues to be documented. Ketamine's rise in club culture was rapid in Hong Kong by the end of the 1990’s.
Ketamine use as a recreational drug, was implicated in deaths globally, with more than 90 deaths in England and Wales in the years of 2005-2013. They include accidental poisonings, drownings, targeted traffic injuries and suicides. Many of those deaths have been attributed to young people. That led to increased regulation (upgrading ketamine from a Class C to a Class B banned substance in the UK).
Australia: In Australia, ketamine is listed as a Schedule 8 Controlled Drug underneath the Poisons Regular (October 2015). Schedule 8 drugs are outlined in the Poisons Act 1964 as "Substances which are available for use but require restriction of fabrication, distribution, possession and use to reduce abuse, misuse and physical or psychological addiction.“ Australia's 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey Report shows an incidence of recent ketamine use of 0.3% in 2004 and 0.2% in 2007 and 2010 in persons aged 14 or older.
Canada: In Canada, ketamine has been classified as a Schedule I since 2005.
Hong Kong: In Hong Kong, since 2000, ketamine has been regulated under Schedule 1 of Hong Kong Chapter 134 Risky Drugs Ordinance. It can only be used legally by health professionals, for university research intentions, or with your doctor's prescription.
Taiwan: From 2002, ketamine was classified as Category III in Taiwan; given that the recent rise in popularity in East Asia, however, rescheduling ketamine to class I or II is being considered.
India: In December 2013 the government of India, in response to rising recreational use and the use of ketamine as a date rape drug, has added it to Schedule X of their Drug and Cosmetics Act requiring a distinctive permit for sale and maintenance of information of all earnings.
United States: According to this ongoing “Monitoring the Future Analysis” conducted by University of Michigan, incidence rates of recreational ketamine use among American secondary school students (grades 8, 10, and 12) have varied between 0.8% and 2.5% since 1999, with new rates at the decrease end of this range. The 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reports a rate of 0.1% for persons ages 12 or older with the maximum rate (0.2%) in those ages 18-25.
Further, 203,000 people are estimated to have used ketamine in 2006, along with an estimated 2.3 million individuals used ketamine at least once in their life. An overall total of 529 emergency department visits in 2009 had been ketamine related.
In 2003, the US Drug Enforcement Administration conducted Operation TKO, a probe into the quality of ketamine being imported from Mexico. As a result of operation TKO, US and Mexican authorities shut down the Mexico City company Laboratorios Ttokkyo, which had been the largest manufacturer of ketamine in Mexico. According to the DEA, over 80% of ketamine captured in the United States is of Mexican origin.
As of 2011, ketamine had been mostly sent from places like India as cheap as $6.00/gram. The World Health Organization Expert Committee on Drug Dependence, in its 33 report (2003), recommended research into ketamine’s recreational use owing to growing concerns about its rising popularity in Europe, Asia, and North America.
Europe: Cases of ketamine use in golf club venues have been found in the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Hungary, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Additional reviews of use and dependency have been reported in Poland and Portugal, as well.
Asia: In China, the small village of Boshe, in Guangdong, has been confirmed as a main production center when it was legalized in 2013.
Established by the Hong Kong Narcotics Division of the Security Bureau, the Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA), maintains a database of all of the illicit drug users who have come into contact with law enforcement, treatment, health care, along with social organizations. The compiled data is confidential underneath the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance of Hong Kong, and statistics have been created freely available online on the quarterly basis.
Statistics from CRDA show that the number of ketamine users (all ages) in Hong Kong has increased from 1,605 (9.8% of total drug users) in 2000 into 5,212 (37.6%) in 2009. Increasing trends of ketamine use among illicit drug users under the age of 21 were also reported, rising from 36.9% of young drug users in 2000 to 84.3% in 2009.
A poll conducted among school-attending Taiwanese adolescents, reported incidence rates of 0.15% in 2004, 0.18% in 2005, and 0.15% in 2006 in middle-school (levels 7 and 9) college students; in Taiwanese high-school (levels 10 and 12) pupils, prevalence was 1.13% in 2004, 0.66% in 2005, and 0.44% in 2006. From precisely the same survey, a large portion (42.8%) of those that reported using MDM, also reported ketamine use.
Ketamine has been the second-most used illegal drug (behind MDMA) when it comes to Taiwanese adolescents, as reported by a multi-city street outreach study. In a report comparing the reporting rates between web questionnaires and paper-and-pencil questionnaires, ketamine use has been reported at a higher rate in the internet version. Urine samples obtained at a rave in Taipei, Taiwan showed elevated rates of ketamine use at 47.0%; this incidence was contrasted with that of detainees suspected of recreational drug use in the typical public, of which 2.0% of those samples tested positive for ketamine use.
Esketamine is a generic anesthetic and is used for similar indications similar to how ketamine is used for treatment resistant depression. Esketamine is used as a nasal spray or simply by injection into a vein. Esketamine is promoted as an antidepressant in the United States; and as an anesthetic in the European Union.
The uses include induction of anesthesia in high-risk patients such as the ones with hemorrhagic shock, anaphylactic shock, septic shock, acute bronchospasm, severe hepatic insufficiency, cardiac tamponade, and constrictive pericarditis; anesthesia in cesarean section; use of numerous anesthetics in burns; and a supplement to regional incisions with incomplete pathways.
The trade names of esketamine are as follows:
Esketamine Hydrochloride

Esketamine functions primarily as a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist. Additionally, esketamine functions to some degree as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor but not like ketamine; as esketamine does not interact with the sigma receptors. The chemical is the S(+) enantiomer of ketamine, which is an anesthetic and dissociative similarly. It is unknown whether its antidepressant action is superior, inferior or adds up to racemic ketamine and its opposite enantiomer, arketamine, that are being investigated for its treatment of depression.
Esketamine was introduced for medical use in 1997. In 2019, it was prescribed for use with other antidepressants, for the treatment of depression in adults in the United States. In August 2020, esketamine was accepted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with the indication for its short-term treatment of suicidal thoughts. Esketamine is a Schedule III controlled substance in the United States.
Ketamine’s Generic Trade Names
Ketamine is your English generic name for the drug; while “ketamine hydrochloride” is its own USAN, USP, BANM, along with JAN. Ketamine’s generic name in Spanish and Spanish Italian and also its own particular DCIT are “ketamina," in French and also its DCF are all “kétamine," in German is “ketamin," also in Latin is “ketamine”.
The S(+) stereoisomer of ketamine is called esketamine, and this is its own BAN while esketamine hydrochloride is it's BANM. Ketamine is primarily sold under the name of “Ketalar”. Ketamine is also marketed below an assortment of other brand names, such as: Calypsol

Molecular Functions Of Ketamine
Ketamine principally functions as an antagonist of the NMDA receptor, a ionotropic glutamate receptor. The S(+) and ep (--) stereoisomers of ketamine bind for the dizocilpine site of the NMDA receptor with distinct affinities, the former showing approximately 2-3 fold greater affinity with the receptor than the latter. Ketamine may also interact with and inhibit the NMDAR through another allosteric site on the receptor. With a handful of exceptions ketamine actions at other receptors are much poorer compared to ketamine's antagonism of the NMDA receptor.
Although ketamine is an extremely feeble ligand of the monoamine transporters (Ki p 60 μM), it's been indicated that it could interact with allosteric sites on the monoamine transporters to create monoamine reuptake inhibition. However, no functional inhibition (IC50) of their individual monoamine transporters has been observed with ketamine or its metabolites at concentrations of as many as 10,000 nM.
Collectively, these findings shed uncertainty on the involvement of monoamine reuptake inhibition in the consequences of ketamine in people. Ketamine has been shown to increase dopaminergic neurotransmission in the brain, but instead of being brought on by dopamine reuptake inhibition, this may be by way of indirect/downstream mechanisms, namely as a result of antagonism of the NMDA receptor.
Ketamine as an agonist of D2 receptors is still controversial. Historical research by Philip Seeman's team found ketamine to be a D2 partial agonist with the effectiveness similar to that of its NMDA receptor antagonism. However, later research discovered the affinity of ketamine of >10 μM for its ordinary human anatomy and rat D2 receptors; moreover, whereas D2 receptor agonists, like bromocriptine, are able to rapidly and closely suppress prolactin secretion. Subanesthetic doses of ketamine have not been discovered to perform this in humans and in fact, has been discovered to dose-dependently increase prolactin levels.
Imaging studies have shown mixed results on inhibition of striatal [11C] raclopride binding by ketamine in humans, with some studies finding a significant reduction, along with others finding no such effect. However, fluctuations in [11C] raclopride binding may be a result of changes in dopamine concentrations induced by ketamine, rather than binding of ketamine to the D2 receptor.
Ketamine Levels & Impacts Relationships
Dissociation and psychotomimetic consequences have been reported in patients treated with ketamine at plasma concentrations of around 100 to 250 ng/mL (0.42-1.1 μM). The typical intravenous anti-depressant dosage of ketamine used to treat depression is low and also results in highest plasma concentrations of 70 to 200 ng/mL (0.29-0.84 μM). At comparable plasma concentrations (70 into 160 ng/ml; 0.29 even 0.67 μM), it also shows unwanted effects.
In 1-5 minutes following inducing anesthesia with a rapid intravenous injection of ketamine, its own plasma concentration reaches as large as 60-110 μM. When the operation was maintained using nitric oxide, together with continuous injection of ketamine, the ketamine concentration stabilized at about 9.3 μM. In an experiment with purely ketamine sedation, patients began to wake up once the plasma level of ketamine decreased to about 2,600 ng/mL (11 μM) and became oriented in place and time when the level has been down into 1,000 ng/mL (4 μM).
In a single-case analysis, the concentration of ketamine in cerebrospinal fluid, also a proxy for its brain concentration during operation, varied between 2.8 and 6.5 μM and was about 40% lower than in plasma.
Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacology Of Ketamine
Ketamine can be absorbed by several routes because of both its water and lipid solubility. Intravenous ketamine bioavailability is 100% by definition, intramuscular injection bioavailability is slightly lower at 93%, and epidural bio-availability is 77%. Subcutaneous bioavailability has never been measured, but is presumed to be quite high. Among the invasive routes, intranasal has the maximum bioavailability (45%-50%) and oral with the smallest (16%-20%). Sublingual and rectal bioavailabilities are intermediate, at about 25%-50%. After absorption, ketamine is rapidly distributed into the brain, as well as other tissues. The plasma protein binding of ketamine is variable, at about 47%.
In your system, ketamine undergoes extensive metabolism. It is biotransformed by CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 isoenzymes into norketamine, that, in turn, is converted by CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 into hydroxynorketamine and dehydronorketamine. The low oral bioavailability of ketamine is due to its first-pass effect also, possibly, ketamine intestinal metabolism by CYP3A4.
As a result, norketamine plasma levels are several-fold bigger compared to ketamine following oral administration, and norketamine can play a part in anesthetic and analgesic action of oral ketamine. This also explains why oral ketamine levels are independent of CYP2B6 task, unlike subcutaneous ketamine levels.
Following an intravenous injection of tritium-labelled ketamine, 91% of the radioactivity is recovered from urine and 3% from your feces. The medication is excreted mostly in the form of metabolites, with only 2% remaining unchanged. Conjugated hydroxylated derivatives of ketamine (80%) accompanied closely by dehydronorketamine (16%), will be definitely the absolute most predominant metabolites detected in urine.
Esketamine is approximately twice as effective as racemic ketamine. It is eliminated from the human body quicker than ketamine (dtc (--)-ketamine) or racemic ketamine, but arketamine slows its elimination. Many reports have indicated that esketamine features a more medically useful pharmacological action than arketamine or racemic ketamine, but so far only discovered in mice; so that the rapid antidepressant effect of arketamine has been greater and lasted longer than that of esketamine.
Esketamine inhibits dopamine transporters 8 times longer than ketamine. This increases dopamine action in the brain tissues. At dosages causing the same intensity of effects, esketamine is generally considered to be more agreeable by patients. Patients also generally recover mental functions quickly after being treated with pure esketamine; which may be described as a result of the simple fact that it is removed from their system faster and more swiftly. This is however in contradiction with R-ketamine being devoid of psychotomimetic side-consequences.
Unlike ketamine, esketamine does not bind significantly to sigma receptors. Esketamine increases blood metabolism in the frontal tissues, while ketamine reduces sugar metabolism in the brain. This difference may be responsible for the simple fact that esketamine generally includes an even more dissociative or hallucinogenic impact while ketamine is allegedly much more relaxing. However, another study found no real gap amongst racemic and (S)-ketamine on the patient's level of vigilance. Interpretation of this finding is complicated by the fact that racemic ketamine is 50% (S)-ketamine.
Ketamine works like a flash mob; temporarily taking over a certain receptor. In some cases with expert medical care, that can become a fantastic thing. But cross that line, and it's a very big issue. Your doctor will most likely not give you ketamine as an antidepressant nonetheless; scientists continue testing it for that. But if ketamine will bring you back from the depths of depression, it might be the very thing once and for all to eliminate your treatment resistant depression.
Chemistry Of Ketamine
Synthesis of Ketamine: 2-chlorobenzonitrile is reacted with the Grignard reagent cyclopentylmagnesium bromide to give (2-chlorophenyl)(cyclopentyl) methanone. This is then nominated using bromine to form the corresponding bromoketone, which is subsequently reacted with methylamine in an aqueous solution to form the exact methylimino derivative, 1-(2-Chloro-N-methylbenzimidoyl) cyclopentanol, with hydrolysis of the tertiary bromine atom. This final intermediate is then heated in decalin or another suitable high-boiling solvent, upon which the ring-expansion rearrangement occurs, thus forming ketamine.
Structure of Ketamine: In chemical structure, ketamine is an arylcyclohexylamine derivative. Ketamine is a chiral compound. The more active enantiomer, esketamine (S-ketamine), is additionally readily available for medical use under the model name Ketanest S, whereas the less active enantiomer, ketamine (R-ketamine), has never been promoted as an enantiopure drug for clinical use.
The optical rotation of the given enantiomer of ketamine can vary among its additives and completely totally free base form. The free base form of (S)‑ketamine displays dextrorotation and is therefore tagged (S)‑(+)‑ketamine. However, its hydrochloride salt shows levorotation and is thus labelled (S)‑(−)‑ketamine hydrochloride.
Detection of Ketamine: Ketamine could be quantitated in plasma or blood screens to confirm a diagnosis of poisoning in elderly patients, provide evidence in an impaired driving arrest or maybe to assist in an medicolegal death investigation. Blood or plasma ketamine concentrations are usually in a range of 0.5 even 5.0 mg/L in persons receiving the drug therapeutically (during standard anesthesia), 1-2 mg/L in those detained for impaired driving and 3-20 mg/L in victims of acute fatal overdose. Urine is often preferred for routine drug use monitoring goals. The clear presence of norketamine, a pharmacologically active metabolite, is useful for confirmation of ketamine ingestion.

Ketamine Treatment For Migraines

Ketamine is a medication chiefly used for starting and maintaining anesthesia. It induces dissociative anesthesia, a trance-like state providing pain relief, sedation, and amnesia. There are many distinguishing features of ketamine used for anesthesia. Ketamine helps maintain breathing and opens up airway rhythm flows, and stimulates the heart functions with increased blood pressure and moderate bronchodilation.

At lesser, sub-anesthetic doses, ketamine is actually a promising agent for pain and also treatment-resistant depression (TRD). However, the antidepressant action of a single administration of ketamine wanes with time, and also the consequences of repeated use (beyond the 6 suggested ketamine treatment for migraines sessions) have not been satisfactorily learned (if any).

Ketamine was discovered in 1956 and approved for use in the United States in 1970. It had been widely used for surgical procedures during the Vietnam War due to its safety, and with lesser dosages, ketamine can help ease pain. Ketamine helps sedatives work more efficiently and can help people use much less amounts of addictive painkillers, like morphine, following operation, etc. Ketamine is also used as a recreational drug for the hallucinogenic and dissociative properties. The good news is that ketamine is readily available as a standard medication.

How Does Ketamine Work?

A growing body of evidence points to the role of glutamate; a commonly distributed excitatory neurotransmitter, in mediating response to stress and the formation of traumatic memories. Ketamine is an ionotropic glutamatergic N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist.

Brain-derived neurotrophic variables perform a role in behavioral responses to classical antidepressants, but the effect on synaptic plasticity may take many weeks to manifest. In contrast, ketamine-mediated synaptic plasticity changes appear to occur within a matter of hours immediately after ketamine administration.

The current thinking is that 6-12 weeks after initiating treatment with traditional antidepressant(s), both dendritic growth and increased esophageal connections occur, but with ketamine, that can happen within 24 hours of their administration. It's not entirely clear how ketamine works. Because it exerts an antidepressant effect through a new mechanism, ketamine may be able to help people successfully manage depression when other treatments have not worked.

One most probable target for ketamine are the NMDA receptors in your brain. By binding to these particular receptors; ketamine appears to increase the amount of glutamate neurotransmitter in the spaces among the neurons. Glutamate then activates connections in another receptor called the AMPA receptor.
Together, the initial blockade of NMDA receptors and activation of AMPA receptors contribute to the release of other molecules that help neurons communicate with others forming new pathways. Referred to as synaptogenesis, this process affects feeling, thought patterns and cognition.

What Are The Medical Uses Of Ketamine Treatment For Migraines?

The use of ketamine in anesthesia reveals its own characteristics. It is actually a drug of preference for short-term methods when muscle mass relaxation is not required. The impact of ketamine on both respiratory and circulatory systems is unique from that of other anesthetics. Ketamine enhances breathing much less than most other available anesthetics. When used at anesthetic doses, ketamine usually stimulates rather than regrets the circulatory system.

Ketamine is commonly used with badly injured people and appears to be entirely safe. Ketamine has been regularly used for emergency operation within field conditions of war zones (for example; during the Vietnam War). A 2011 clinical practice guideline encourages the use of ketamine as a sedative in emergency medicine; especially during physically painful techniques.

Ketamine is the drug of choice for individuals in traumatic shock that are at risk of hypotension. Very low blood pressure is detrimental in people with severe head injury. Ketamine is least likely to cause low blood pressure and in most cases is able to prevent it. Ketamine treatment for migraines can be used for its acute pain treatment in emergency departments and in the perioperative phase in individuals with refractory painkillers. The dosages are somewhat lower than those used for sedation; nevertheless they truly are sub-anesthetic doses.

Researchers have been studying whether ketamine can help treat severe depression, including those that have experimented with other treatments or who are still in the clinic and potentially suicidal. The FDA has not approved it for that kind of use yet. But some psychiatrists are using ketamine experimentally with their patients that have this sort of depression.

In these particular studies, most people with severe depression typically get ketamine either through an IV, oral lozenge or a sinus mist about once per week in a ketamine treatment for migraines clinic under strict medical supervision. The ketamine difference begins with how fast the drug's effects kick in. In some cases, this procedure can alleviate symptoms of depression in only 2-3 hours! However, keep in mind that the results do vary. In some scientific reports, the majority of those who underwent the full 6 sessions experienced improved results/outcome by as much as 85%.

What Can I Expect The Day Of The Ketamine Treatment For Migraines?

No meals can be eaten for 8 hours before treatment. No gum, candy, or smoking for half an hour before as well. Water is okay but only up to 4 hours before treatment. Once checked in, a dose of Ketamine is administered over the course of 45-60 minutes. During this time, the patient will be continually monitored by a nurse/fully licensed mental health therapist and a doctor.

How Long Does Ketamine Treatment For Migraines Last?

During ketamine treatment for migraines, a patient usually responds to it within 1-3 sessions. If a person does not have any response at all, additional sessions will most likely not help. Instead, it's best to try other treatments for depression.

People who experience some relief from depression within 1 to a few treatments are very likely to extend their positive effects if the ketamine treatment for migraines is repeated a few more times. The subsequent sessions might help prolong the repercussions of ketamine, rather than achieving even more dramatic alleviation of signs. There are currently not any typical standardized guidelines for this type of approach.

Many ketamine centers offer 6 treatments initially (acute stage), and many offer follow-up sessions as the patient feels their outward symptoms creep back up again. Right after this, the patient and doctor decide whether or not to taper, or to stop ketamine treatment for migraines altogether; or to continue treatments at longer intervals.

The relief from a single session can last for just a couple of hours to as much as a few weeks. Most patients typically experience 1 or 2 weeks of relief. Unfortunately, with only 1 session, many patients have a return of their depressive symptoms. Research is being conducted into lengthening ketamine's biological impact in being able to receive just one session (instead of the current industry standard of 2 sessions/week) to attempt a longer-lasting benefit. Also its particular long-term safety and efficiency are being further studied.

Ketamine treatment for migraines is typically given 2 times a week, for as much as 6 treatments. This may change depending on an individual’s requirements and response. Usually patients can go home within 20-30 minutes of completion of their ketamine treatment for migraines.

Ketamine Treatment For Migraines Candidate Eligibility

A much lower dose of ketamine is given for depression combined with all the dosage necessary for treatment. Like opioids, ketamine has addictive properties. It is necessary to realize this when weighing risks and advantages. If you have a history of substance abuse such as alcohol or drugs; it's especially important for you and your doctor to consider whether ketamine is a good option or not for you.

Presently, you'll find limited empirically established recommendations for the use of ketamine treatment for migraines in psychiatric disorders. Therefore, the selection of appropriate candidates for ketamine treatment for migraines requires careful consideration regarding the risks and advantages of the treatment in context of the individual's seriousness of depression, duration of present episode, past treatment history, and urgency for treatment.

Our patients are screened carefully using a range of evidenced-based tests and procedures to determine if they are eligible for ketamine treatment for migraines. Our treatment could possibly be a true and lasting success for patients with depression who have not benefited from antidepressant medications in the past.

Cost Of Ketamine Treatment For Migraines

Ketamine treatment for migraines is currently not covered by insurance because it has not been authorized by the FDA for a psychiatric indication. We offer ketamine treatment for migraines on the self-pay basis. For more information about our prices please contact us today.

Ketamine Depression Treatment

Ketamine is a powerful and rapid-acting antidepressant. Administering ketamine in treatment resistant depression results in enhanced disposition within 4 hours reaching the peak at 24 hours. The effect is diminished at 7 days, and most patients relapse within 10 days, although for a significant minority the improvement may last 30 days or longer.

Individuals with depression who also display psychotic indications like delusions or hallucinations, are somewhat more likely to be treatment resistant. Another depressive feature that has been associated with inadequate response to treatment is longer duration of manic episodes.

Finally, individuals with more acute depression and those that are suicidal are far more likely to become non-responsive to ketamine treatment for migraines. Ketamine can, however, decrease suicidal thoughts for up to 3 days after the session. Although ketamine has already been accredited for use as an antidepressant, the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments recommends ketamine as a third-line treatment for depression.

Intravenous infusion of ketamine has never been directly compared with intranasal esketamine, but a comparative meta-analysis of clinical trials indicates the excellence of intravenous ketamine; which has a greater overall response and remission rate, as well as lower amount of dropouts.

Ketamine seems to be a rapid-acting antidepressant. It received a breakthrough designation from the FDA for treatment-resistant depression (TRD) in 2013 and major depressive disorder (MDD) with accompanying suicidal ideation in 2016. The medication had been researched for use in combination with an antidepressant in men and women with TRD who were previously unresponsive to treatment; 6 stage III clinical trials for this indication were conducted in 2017.
There's a very clear demand for new treatments for major depressive disorder, and experts agree that ketamine can rapidly treat depression and other mental health conditions. Drug companies are testing equivalent medications for depression, suicidality, and bipolar disorder; but ketamine has not yet been approved for all these conditions.

In January 2020, “Esketamine” (Spravato/ketamine nasal spray) was rejected from the National Health Service of Great Britain. The NHS questioned the advantages and also claimed that it was overly costly. Men and women who were already using the Spravato/ketamine nasal spray are allowed to complete treatment if their doctors consider this mandatory.

People usually take antidepressants for a couple weeks before they start to work. Those medicines will want to build up in your system first to have any real or lasting effect. Ketamine is unique in that it’s effects on depression occur almost immediately. Researchers aren't sure why that is. One notion is that ketamine prompts connections to discriminate brain cells that are involved with the controls associated with mood. Therefore ketamine works much more rapidly than the present antidepressant prescriptions available on the open market.

The director (Thomas Insel, MD) of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) says, "Current data suggests that ketamine, given intravenously, might function as the absolute most essential breakthrough in anti-depressant treatment in years.”

Ketamine Treatment For Migraines And Major Depression

Ketamine was once used mainly as an anesthetic on battlefields as well as in operating rooms. Now this medication is gaining ground as a promising treatment for some instances of major depression; which is the most leading cause of disability throughout the world. In the United States, latest estimates show 16 million adults experienced an episode of major depression in the course of a year. Suicide rates climbed substantially between 1999-2016, increasing by greater than 30% in 25 states. Because of its rapid action, ketamine might have a role to perform in helping to prevent suicide.

For those who positively respond to ketamine; you can expect to rapidly reduce suicidality (life-threatening thoughts and behaviors) and reduce other acute indicators of depression. Ketamine also can work for treating depression combined with stress. Clearly, further help is required to handle what many experts consider a national crisis. The increase in suicides speaks to our limitations as a field and also a culture by not being able to identify who is most at risk and then developing efficient strategies to manage those risks and symptoms.

Other treatments for suicidal thoughts and depression often take weeks or even months to take effect, and most people want to use various medications or approaches to gain a significant reduction in negative symptoms. This is legitimate for psychotherapy, antidepressant medicines, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which is currently the most effective treatment for major depression when all other therapies for depression have failed. Bluntly put; this is unacceptable as it is archaic and super intrusive on the body and brain.

Regrettably, suicide is a leading public health concern and also a leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there were more than 2X as many suicides (44,965) in the USA than there were homicides (19,362) in 2016. Additionally, suicide was the 10th leading cause of death overall in the United States. Men and women die by suicide more than breast cancer annually.

Ketamine Treatment For Migraines And For Ongoing Depression Management

Ketamine is a great treatment for individuals suffering from debilitating depression! There are 3 standard categories of drug treatment that can be used to help a clinic/provider diagnose when a medication course is discovered to be ineffective.

Medication: This is when you prescribe a medication to the patient.

Antidepressants: This means you integrate another medication(s) into the patient's current treatment plan. This can include combination therapy (the combination of 2 types of antidepressants augmentation or augmentation therapy): the addition of a non-anti-depressant medication that may increase the efficacy of the anti-depressant.

Some off label antidepressants include low dose ketamine and extremely serotonergic catecholamines (including a very controlled use of MDMA in the treatment of PTSD and crippling depression/anxiety). For lethargic syndromes, dysthymia, or caffeine-resistant amotivation, a dopaminergic stimulant like methylphenidate, or even 2.5 milligrams dextroamphetamine can be helpful.

Dose Increase: Increasing the dosage of an antidepressant is actually a common strategy to treat depression that is not responding properly after adequate treatment duration. Practitioners who use this strategy will usually increase the dose prior to the person reporting that their intolerable side effect symptoms are eliminated. Also the dose is increased into the limit of what is considered protected and sound.

Antidepressants Versus Ketamine Treatment For Migraines

Research into ketamine being an antidepressant began in the 1990s with Dr. Krystal along with his colleagues Dennis Charney, MD, and Ronald Duman, PhD, at the Yale School of Medicine. At that time depression was considered a "blackbox" disease, meaning that very little was known about its causes.

One common notion was the “Serotonin Hypothesis,” which asserted that people with depression had low levels of the neurotransmitter called serotonin. The Serotonin Hypothesis came about by accident. Certain drugs were given to treat other diseases like hypertension and tuberculosis which seemed to drastically affect the people's moods. This discovery culminated in a new class of drugs meant to treat depression, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). The earliest one formulated for the mass marketplace was Prozac.

Eventually it became evident that the serotonin hypothesis did not completely explain depression. SSRIs have been of limited help to more than 1/3 of men and women suffering from depression. But growing research showed that the receptors that these drugs target (such as serotonin) accounts for less than 20% of the receptor in a person's brain. The other 80% are called GABA and glutamate receptors.

GABA and glutamate have been known to perform a function in seizure disorders and schizophrenia. Together, the 2 neuro-transmitters form a complex push-and-pull response; sparking and stopping electrical processes in your brain. Researchers feel that they could possibly be responsible for regulating the bulk of brain processing; including mood.

What's more, intense stress can change glutamate signaling in the brain and also have impacts on the neurons that make sure they are less adaptable and less in a position to communicate with other neurons. This means stress and depression make it more challenging to deal with negative events for individuals struggling with difficult life events.

Interestingly; scientific studies from Yale research labs showed that ketamine activates glutamate production, and this, in an intricate, cascading string of events, drives the brain to form new neural connections. This makes the brain more flexible and can create new pathways and gives patients the opportunity to build up more positive thoughts and behaviors. This was an effect that had not been seen before with traditional antidepressants.

Yale Medicine psychiatrist, Gerard Sanacora, MD, PhD said, “The interesting and exciting part of this discovery is that it came largely out of basic neuroscience research, instead of chance. It wasn't just, hey let's try this drug and see what happens.”

For the last 20 years, researchers at Yale have led ketamine research by experimenting with using subanesthetic doses of ketamine intravenously in a controlled clinic setting for patients with severe depression who have not been enhanced with conventional antidepressant treatments. The results have been dramatic. In several research studies, more than half of individuals show a significant decrease in depression symptoms after only 24 hours. All these are patients who felt no meaningful improvement on other antidepressant medications.

What is really important for people to understand is that ketamine has to become a part of a broader treatment plan for depression. Patients will often say that they don't want other medications or psychotherapy; rather they just want ketamine. It is extremely improbable that a single dose, or even a few doses of ketamine alone, will remedy your depression.

These rapid benefits can be sustained with extensive treatment plans that include ongoing treatments with ketamine. Additionally, it seems to help facilitate the creation of new neural pathways that can help you develop resiliency and protect against the return of your depression. This is the reason why ketamine can be most effective when combined with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is a sort of psychotherapy that helps patients learn productive attitudes and behaviors. Ongoing research, including clinical trials, addressing this idea are now under way at Reconscious Medical.

The drug “Esketamine” is one version of the ketamine molecule and makes up half of what is seen in the commonly used anesthetic form of the drug. It works similarly, but its chemical makeup allows it to bind more closely to the NMDA glutamate receptors, thus making it 2-5X stronger. This means that patients need a lower dose of Esketamine than they do with ketamine. In the end, the FDA endorsement of Esketamine gives doctors another invaluable tool in their toolbox against depression and offers new hope for those patients that no one had been able to help before.

Ketamine was originally approved by the FDA as an anesthetic, but is increasingly being used to treat mood disorders like treatment-resistant depression, anxiety disorders, and PTSD. Some reports have also found it successful for treating suicidal ideation.

Ketamine For Treatment Resistant Depression

Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) is a term used in clinical psychiatry to describe a condition that influences people with major depressive disorder (MDD) who do not respond adequately to some course of appropriate antidepressant medication within a certain amount of time. Common definitions of TRD fluctuate, but they usually do not include a resistance to psychological treatments.

Inadequate response has traditionally been defined as, “No Clinical Response” (no improvement in depressive symptoms). However, lots of clinicians consider a response inadequate in the event the person does not reach full remission of signs and symptoms. Individuals with treatment resistant depression (TRD) who usually do not adequately respond to antidepressant treatment are sometimes known as pseudo-resistant. Some things that contribute to inadequate treatment include: early discontinuation of treatment, insufficient dosage of medication, patient non-compliance, misdiagnosis, along with concurrent psychiatric disorders.

Cases of treatment resistant depression might be associated with certain medications people with TRD are resistant to. In TRD, adding additional treatments such as psychotherapy, lithium, or aripiprazole is supported as of 2019. Ketamine treatment for migraines is not just a first-line therapy for psychiatric disorders or chronic pain management. Studies vary but have discovered response rates to ketamine as high as 70% among men and women with major depression who have failed other antidepressants.

Two main varieties of ketamine have been used to treat acute depression that hasn't responded to 2 or more medications (treatment resistant depression).
Racemic ketamine, which is most often given as an infusion into the blood vessels. This is a mixture of 2 mirror-image molecules:"R" and"S" ketamine. Although it has been approved decades ago from the FDA, it is used off-label to treat depression. The 2 forms of ketamine interact differently with glands in the brain.
Esketamine (Spravato), is FDA approved and is given as a nasal spray. Up to now, most research has been on ketamine infusions.

Why Should I Consider Ketamine Treatment For Migraines And For My Depression?

Around the world, over 1,015,000 patients have now been treated with ketamine. Ketamine is a fantastic medication to use for depression. But why would someone ultimately switch to ketamine when there are other, FDA-approved, antidepressants available?

We have a crisis going on today and the traditional medications for depression are not incredibly powerful. While ketamine is not FDA-approved for depression, 70% of those medications prescribed today are “off-tag” for at least 1 use. Commonly prescribed antidepressants take weeks or even months before a patient experiences any rest from the debilitating symptoms of depression.

Standard pharmaceutical antidepressants can also cause nausea, drowsiness or insomnia, as well as constipation. Additionally, excess weight gain which is associated with commonly prescribed antidepressants is absolutely not a negative side effect of ketamine. Ketamine’s fast-acting nature could be the absolute most essential feature of the medication.

Ketamine Versus SSRIs

All too often the traditional medications prescribed for depression are either not fast-acting or powerful enough. This is why ketamine is a powerful alternative for most patients. It works in another way opposed from an SSRI such as Lexapro or Zoloft. It is a totally different mechanism. The classical shorthand explanation for how SSRIs work is through the "Chemical Imbalance" concept. This occurs when there is a shortage of serotonin, and SSRIs increase serotonin levels.

Depression is linked to the build-up of proteins in the brain. Ketamine can repair damage to the brain that happened as a result of long-term stress hormones. Your overall body's response to stress drains cortisol and other hormones in the brain plus they also damage it in the process. Ketamine is thought to have far more rapid effects on increasing brain plasticity.

Ketamine Treatment For Migraines And Mild To Severe Anxiety

Ketamine was examined and shown to be effective with an array of stress disorders, including unhappiness, general anxiety disorder (GAD), and PTSD, although the data on its efficacy in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) are more combined.

Risk Factors Of Ketamine Treatment For Migraines

Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders: Comorbid psychiatric disorders commonly go undetected in the treatment of depression. If left untreated, the symptoms of those disorders can interfere with both the evaluation and treatment. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common disorder types associated with treatment resistant depression. The 2 disorders commonly co-exist, and have some serious symptoms.

Some reports have shown that patients with MDD and anxiety disorder will be the most inclined to be non-responsive to treatment. Substance abuse may also be considered a predictor of treatment resistant depression. It can cause miserable patients to be noncompliant in their treatment, and also the ramifications of certain substances can worsen the consequences of depression. Other psychiatric disorders that may forecast treatment resistant depression include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, personality disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and eating disorders.

Comorbid Medical Disorders: Some men and women who are diagnosed with treatment resistant depression may have an underlying undiagnosed health condition that is causing or contributing to their depression. Endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, and Addison's disease are among one of the most commonly identified as contributing to depression. Another variable is that medications used to treat comorbid medical disorders may lessen the efficacy of antidepressants or cause depression signs and symptoms.

Others causes of depression include but are not limited to:

Coronary Heart Disease
Parkinson's Disease

Various Treatments Available Through Ketamine

Other Concurrent Medications:
Medications that have been shown to be effective in people with treatment resistant depression besides ketamine and esketamine include: lithium, triiodothyronine, benzodiazepines, atypical antipsychotics, along with stimulants. Adding lithium might be effective for people taking some kinds of antidepressants; but it might not be as effective in patients taking SSRIs.

Triiodothyroxine (T3) is a form of thyroid hormone that has been associated with improvement in mood and depression. Benzodiazepines can improve treatment resistant depression by decreasing the negative effects caused by some anti-depressants and therefore increasing patient compliance.
Since the entrance of olanzapine into psychopharmacology, many psychiatrists have been adding low-dose olanzapine to antidepressants as well as other atypical antipsychotics such as aripiprazole along with quetiapine. Eli Lilly, the company that sells both the olanzapine and fluoxetine individually, has also released a combination formulation that contains olanzapine and fluoxetine in a single capsule. Some low to moderate quality evidence points to success in the brief expression (8-12 weeks) using mianserin (or antipsychotics cariprazine, olanzapine, quetiapine or ziprasidone) to augment antidepressant medications.
Those particular medications listed above have shown promise in treating depression but come with serious side effects. Stimulants such as amphetamines and methylphenidate have also been tested with favorable results but have potential for abuse. Ketamine has been analyzed as a rapid-acting antidepressant for treatment resistant depression in bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder as well as many other disorders.

On a side note…a 2016 placebo randomized controlled trial evaluated the rapid sedative effects of the psychedelic ayahuasca in treatment resistant depression with a favorable outcome.

Electroconvulsive Therapy: Electroconvulsive therapy is generally only considered as a treatment option in acute cases of treatment resistant depression. It is used when medication has repeatedly failed to boost symptoms, and usually when the patient's symptoms are so acute that they have been hospitalized. Electroconvulsive therapy has been found to cut back thoughts of suicide and also relieve depressive signs and symptoms. It is associated with the increase in glial cell line derived neurotrophic elements.

RTMS: rTMS (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) is gradually becoming known as an invaluable therapeutic option in treatment resistant depression. A number of randomized placebo-controlled trials have compared real versus sham rTMS. These trials have consistently demonstrated the effectiveness of this treatment against leading depression.

Additionally, there have also been a number of meta-analyses of RCTs confirming the efficacy of rTMS in treatment resistant major depression, in addition to naturalistic studies showing its effectiveness in true life clinical settings.

DTMS: dTMS (deep transcranial magnetic stimulation) is just a continuation of exactly the same idea as rTMS, but with the expectation that deeper stimulation of subcortical areas of the brain leads to increased effect. A 2015 systematic review and health engineering assessment uncovered lacking signs in order to recommend the method within ECT or rTMS because few studies had been published.

Psychotherapy: There is sparse evidence on the efficacy of psychotherapy in scenarios of treatment resistant depression. However, a certain study shows that it may be an efficient treatment option. Psychotherapy could possibly succeed in people with TRD because it can help minimize stress that may contribute to gastrointestinal signs and symptoms.

A Cochrane systematic review has shown that psychological treatments (including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy and intensive short term energetic psychotherapy) put into daily use (in combination with antidepressants) can be good for depressive symptoms and for response and remission rates over the short term (up to 2 months) for patients with TRD. Medium (7-12 months) and long‐term (longer than 12 months) effects seem likewise favorable. Psychological treatments included to standard care (antidepressants) seem as acceptable as usual care alone.

Substance Abuse (Alcohol) Treatment: Treatment resistant depression is associated with increased instances of alcoholism in relation to depression that is responsive to treatment. One study showed that as many as 80% of people with TRD, who had significantly more than one course of treatment, relapsed within 1 year. Treatment resistant depression is also associated with lower long-term quality of life.

Another study observed that only 8 of 124 patients were in remission after 2 years of standard treatment with non ketamine based therapy and medicines.

Epidemiology: Treatment resistance is relatively common in people with MDD. Rates of total remission following antidepressant treatment have been only 50%, at best. In scenarios of depression treated by a key care physician, 32% of men and women partially responded to treatment and 4%-5% did not respond at all.

Negative Side Effects Of Ketamine

The ketamine treatment for migraines side effects include, but are not limited to:

Hallucination (Perceptual Disturbances)
Dry mouth
Raised blood pressure
Blurred vision
Feelings of detachment or disconnection from truth
Increased/decreased body temperature
Headaches or migraines

Generally, some changes in perception or dissociation are noticeable during the first procedure and stop quickly thereafter. However, liver and urinary toxicity are somewhat common among ordinary illicit street abusers of ketamine. Ketamine is an NMDA receptor antagonist which accounts for the majority of its benefits except for the antidepressant effect; which is the ongoing cause of much more research and debate.

All of these negative consequences are most pronounced during the beginning of the session, which dramatically reduce approximately 45 minutes later. The majority of everything else should completely disappear within 4 hours after the session. The majority of ketamine studies have only followed patients for 1 year, which means doctors do not yet know how it might have an effect on patients over longer lengths of time. Others worry that since ketamine is sometimes abused (being a street drug), there can be a downside to making it more readily available, as it might increase the chances that it will end up in the wrong hands.

Urinary toxicity does occur chiefly in ketamine abusers, with 20%-30% of frequent users having gut complaints. It includes a range of disorders from cystitis to hydronephrosis to kidney failure. The most common symptoms of ketamine-induced cystitis are common urination, dysuria, and urinary urgency, sometimes combined with pain during urination and blood in your urine. The damage to the bladder wall has similarities to both interstitial and eosinophilic cystitis. The wall is thickened, and also the functional bladder capacity is as little as 10-150 mL.

The first step in the management of ketamine-induced cystitis involves ketamine cessation. This is followed closely by NSAIDs along with anticholinergics and, in the event the response is insufficient, by tramadol. The second line treatments are epithelium-protective agents, such as oral pentosan, polysulfate or intravesical (intra-bladder) installation of hyaluronic acid.

Celiac toxicity of ketamine involves greater dosages and repeated administration. In a group of chronic ketamine abusers, the frequency of liver injury has been documented to be only about 10%. Once you start the journey of research, you will find reports of increased liver enzymes involving treatment of chronic pain.
At anesthetic doses, 10%-20% of grown ups (1%-2% of children) experience negative psychiatric reactions that happen during emergence from anesthesia, ranging from visions and dysphoria to hallucinations and emergence delirium. These can be counteracted by being pre-treated with benzodiazepine or propofol. Providers need to remember that cystitis and reduced urinary tract pathologies (detrusor overactivity) have been reported in long-term ketamine users, but typically only at high doses.

Ketamine anesthesia commonly causes tonic-clonic movements (greater than 10% of individuals) and infrequently hypertonia. Vomiting can be expected in 5%-15% of these patients; pre-treatment with propofol mitigates it well. Laryngospasm does occur only rarely with ketamine. Ketamine, generally stimulates breathing; however, in the first 2-3 full minutes of a high-dose rapid intravenous injection; it can cause a transient respiratory depression.

At lesser sub-anesthetic dosages, psychiatric side effects are prominent. A majority of patients feel strange, spacey, either woozy or floating, or have visual distortions or tingling. Also very common (20%-50%) people experience trouble speaking, have bouts of confusion, euphoria, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. The signs of psychosis such as going into a “K-hole,” disappearing, feeling like you are melting, experiencing various sounds and colors (hallucinations) have been described by 6%-10% of individuals.

The main side effects of ketamine may include dissociative adjustments and nausea that are transient and mild. If they do occur, a momentary elevation of heart rate and blood pressure often happens alongside. These issues are well tolerated and usually do not result in the discontinuation of treatment. During the session you can feel a bit floaty or disconnected, but that typically lasts for only about 45 minutes.

For many who have switched to ketamine for their personal medication; the majority of responses tend to be that they feel different and better from when they were taking SSRIs. People often describe a clarity of thinking, the lifting of the burden of depression, an emotional smoothing, as well as, an increased functional capacity that can take effect within the first few hours following ketamine treatment for migraines.

When mis-used, ketamine can vastly adjust your sense of sight and sound. You can have hallucinations and feel out of contact with your surroundings and also from yourself. It can make it really difficult to talk or use normal body functions. Ketamine, along with Reconscious Medical, is a miracle drug offering true and lasting healing!

As for the possibility of becoming addicted to ketamine; once used like a party drug, it is simply not an issue. Reports show that the exact low doses used in a medical setting, along with shortage of access at-home and infrequent dosing; there is virtually no potential for addiction or abuse. Furthermore, benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Ativan, etc.) can dull the anti-depressant effects of ketamine.

Ketamine's psychedelic side effects make it more of a common recreational drug. At lesser doses, the predominant outcomes are stimulating, and users experience mild dissociation with hallucinations and a distortion of time and space. However, larger doses can induce far more intense, schizophrenia-like symptoms, as well as perceptions. Although these effects resolve rapidly, long-term use can cause additional pronounced and persistent neuropsychiatric symptoms. For this reason, ketamine must be used cautiously with other drugs that alter mood and perception, including alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines and cannabis.

Ketamine treatment for migraines and for clinical depression is relatively new, but has long been shown to have beneficial effects on clinically depressed patients. Not everyone who receives ketamine treatment for migraines and for depression experiences relief, but some early studies show results in the 60%-70% range of positive responses.

Ketamine treatment for migraines is given in far smaller doses and in briefer duration than required for anesthesia functions. During the session you may experience an altered mental status, although you will be awake and able to speak; you will return to your typical mental state rapidly when the session is over.
It is always in your best interest to plan on not driving or operating heavy machinery; or not to care for the young or elderly; or to not prepare/sign any important documents on the days you receive your ketamine treatment for migraines. All drugs have negative outcomes. When someone is suicidal or badly depressed, potential benefits may outweigh the potential risks. Always consult a licensed physician to see what options are best for you.

Here are some other negative side effects of Ketamine (if taken without the aid of a licensed doctor) that would require emergency medical care:

Blood in your pee
Issues with peeing
Needing to urinate often
Pale or bluish Lips, skin or fingernails
Blurry vision
Chest pain
Difficulty breathing
Difficulties with swallowing
Dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting
Irregular heartbeat
Swollen eyelids, face, lips or tongue
Excessive emotions, all over the map
Fatigue or weakness

It's feasible to get addicted or need larger doses to feel these effects. (This is less likely to come about when you get ketamine for medical reasons). An overdose can be hazardous in those with coronary disease/issues.

Can I Develop A Dependence From Ketamine Treatment For Migraines?

Some regular users of ketamine acquire ketamine dependence. Increased subjective feelings of being “high” have been claimed in healthy human volunteers vulnerable to ketamine. Animal experiments also confirm the risk of abuse. Additionally, the rapid onset of ramifications following insufflation may increase ketamine’s recreational use.

Ketamine tolerance rapidly develops, even with repeated medical use, prompting the use of higher doses. Some everyday users claimed withdrawal signs, chiefly anxiety, shaking, sweating, and palpitations following the attempts to stop. Cognitive deficits, in addition to increased dissociation and delusion, are outward symptoms that are observed in ordinary recreational users of ketamine.

Naltrexone potentiates psychotomimetic effects of the minimal dose of ketamine, whilst lamotrigine and nimodipine reduce them. Clonidine reduces the salivation, heart rate and blood pressure increases during ketamine anesthesia and decreases the incidence of nightmares.

Clinical observations suggest that benzodiazepines diminish the anti-depressant effects of ketamine. Ketamine is generally used to treat resistant depression as an add-on into a wide variety of antidepressants. Thus, it appears most conventional antidepressants can also be securely combined with ketamine.
The antagonism of this NMDA receptor is responsible for your analgesic, also psychotomimetic effects of ketamine. NMDA receptor antagonism results in analgesia by preventing central sensitization in dorsal horn neurons; in other phrases, ketamine's actions interfere with pain transmission in the spinal cord.
The mechanism of the anti-depressant action of ketamine is uncertain. It is not clear if the NMDA receptor is completely responsible for this action or interactions with other organs are also crucial. It is not clear whether ketamine alone is adequate for the anti-depressive action or its metabolites are additionally essential.

It has been explained that acute blockade of NMDA receptors in the brain results in an activation of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPA receptors), which in turn modulate a number of downstream signaling pathways to influence neurotransmission in the bronchial system and mediate stimulant effects of NMDA receptor antagonists like ketamine.

Such downstream actions of this activation of AMPA receptors include; upregulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and activation of its signaling receptor, tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB), activation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, deactivation of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3), and inhibition of this phosphorylation of this eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2) kinase. In addition to blockade of the NMDA receptor, the active metabolite of ketamine, hydroxynorketamine, does not interact with all the NMDA receptor, but nonetheless indirectly activates AMPA receptors, and it may also or alternatively be involved in the rapid-onset antidepressant results of ketamine.

Recent research has shown that the acute inhibition of their lateral habenula, the part of the brain in the bronchial system that was referred to as the"anti-reward center" (projecting to and inhibiting the mesolimbic reward pathway along with modulating other bronchial regions), may be involved in the antidepressant effects of ketamine.

Additional animal research indicates that arketamine, the enantiomer with a weaker NMDA receptor antagonism, and (2R,6R)-hydroxynorketamine, the metabolite with negligible affinity with the NMDA receptor, but also a potent Alpha7 nicotinic receptor antagonist, can have anti-depressive action. It is now argued that NMDA receptor antagonism might possibly not be responsible for the anti-depressant effects of ketamine.

Why Do Most Clinics Provide Subpar Ketamine Treatment For Migraines?

As a whole, mental health specialists do not begrudge ketamine centers for opening their doors and offering a potentially favorable treatment for patients before it’s truly permitted by the FDA; but, some believe that there are clinics that are going too far in their promises and not caring adequately for their patients. Ketamine gives hope to patients with acute depression, but some clinics stray from the science and hype their own gains.

Screening techniques, as well as the area of collaboration with mental health providers, differ tremendously from one ketamine clinic to another. Some patients might not get the help they desire, especially if they don't really respond to ketamine.

Experts additionally express concern about the coordination of care involving clinics along with the patient's usual providers. Some clinics say they'll work with a patient's mental health provider whether or not you want one to do so.

In many circumstances, ketamine providers at certain clinics aren't qualified to provide the needed mental health care that goes along with ketamine treatment for migraines, on their own. They are often anesthesiologists or pain physicians, as well as in some situations, nurse practitioners. The sad fact is that most ketamine clinics have no mental health providers on staff.

The APA says that doctors/clinics providing ketamine treatment for migraines must be trained in how to tackle behavioral health troubles, because ketamine can cause dissociative consequences, including but not limited to, hallucinations. Therefore, it is critical that ketamine clinics have caregivers qualified to make sure certain patients aren't at risk for behavioral issues, including suicidal thoughts, before they are cleared to return home.

The APA also strongly recommended that each and every clinic come up with conventional operating procedures based on the best evidence practices readily available. That plan must outline apparent steps for screening and also obtaining informed consent; assessment of the patient's physical and mental status before, during, and right after sessions; and a plan for managing problems that appear during or following ketamine treatment for migraines.

History Of Ketamine

Ketamine was first synthesized in 1962 by Calvin L. Stevens, a professor of Chemistry at Wayne State University and a Parke-Davis consultant. This was understood by the developmental code name CI-581. Immediately after promising preclinical research in creatures, ketamine was tested in human prisoners in 1964. These investigations demonstrated ketamine's small duration of action and paid off behavioral toxicity generated it a positive choice over phencyclidine (PCP) as an anesthetic.

Unlike the other well-known dissociatives phencyclidine (PCP) and dextromethorphan (DXM), ketamine is extremely short-acting. It takes effect within about 10 minutes, while its hallucinogenic results can last 60 minutes when insufflated or injected and up to 2 hours when ingested orally.

At subanesthetic doses from a medical point of view; ketamine delivers a dissociative state, characterized by a sense of detachment from one's body and the external world which is known as depersonalization and derealization. At sufficiently higher doses, users may experience what is called the"K-hole", a state of dissociation with visual and auditory hallucinations.

The researchers were going to call the state of ketamine anesthesia, "dreaming" but Parke-Davis did not like it. Hearing about this problem and about the "disconnected" appearance of their patients; the spouse of one of the pharmacologists working on ketamine, Edward Domino, implied "dissociative anesthesia". Following FDA approval in 1970, ketamine anesthesia had been first given to American troops during the Vietnam War.

In the 1980’s and 1990’s ketamine was used as a club drug referred to as, ”Special K" for the trip-inducing side effects. The discovery of antidepressant action of ketamine in 2000 was described as the single most important advance in the treatment of depression in over 50 years. That discovery ignited interest in NMDA receptor antagonists for depression and altered the direction of antidepressant research and development.

Seeing an "urgent need for advice," an American Psychiatric Association (APA) task force issued a consensus statement in April of 2017 that laid out the medical evidence on ketamine, the kind of training it thought doctors should have, and also advice for meticulously screening patients. Because ketamine can possibly impact your coronary heart rate or blood pressure in some patients, it recommended clinicians who provide treatment have advanced cardiac life support certification.

The committee said that the screening process for every patient should include an all-inclusive diagnostic assessment, an in-depth look at a patient's history of depression treatments, also a careful review of medical and psychiatric records, and also a clear informed consent process that walks a patient through the risks and limitations of ketamine treatment for migraines.

Esketamine was introduced for medical use as an anesthetic in Germany in 1997, and was subsequently promoted in other nations. In addition to its own analgesic results, the medication showed possessions of being a fully rapid-acting antidepressant and has been subsequently investigated for use as such. In November 2017, it completed stage III clinical trials for treatment resistant depression in the United States.

Johnson & Johnson registered a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) New Drug Application (NDA) for acceptance on September 4, 2018. The application was supported by an FDA advisory panel on February 12, 2019, and on March 5, 2019, the FDA approved esketamine, in conjunction with an oral anti-depressant, for its treatment of depression in adults.

Ketamine In Society/Culture & Recreational Use

In the late 2010’s and early 2020’s, regulation enforcement agencies in some US states started to direct paramedics to use ketamine to sedate people under arrest; sometimes under the auspices of treatment for its controversial diagnosis "excited delirium".

The American Society of Anesthesiologists and American College of Emergency Physicians opposes the use of ketamine or some other agent to incapacitate someone solely for a law enforcement purpose. While ketamine is legally marketed in many nations globally, it is also a controlled substance in most nations.
At subanesthetic doses, ketamine delivers a dissociative state, characterized by a feeling of detachment from one's body and also the outside universe, which is called depersonalization and derealization. At sufficiently higher doses, users may experience what is called the"K-hole," (a state of dissociation with visual and auditory hallucinations). John C. Lilly, Marcia Moore, D. M. Turner and David Woodard (amongst others) have written extensively about their very particular entheogenic use of, also psychonautic experiences with ketamine.

Turner died prematurely due to drowning during presumed unsupervised ketamine use. In 2006 the Russian edition of Adam Parfrey’s, “Apocalypse Culture II'' was banned and destroyed by authorities, owing to its inclusion of an article by Woodard about the entheogenic use of, also psychonautic experiences, with ketamine.

United Kingdom: In the United Kingdom, it became labeled a Class C drug on January 1, 2006. On December 10, 2013, the UK Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) recommended that the government re-classify ketamine to become a Class B Drug; and on February 12, 2024 the Home Office declared it would stick to this advice in light of the signs of chronic harms associated with ketamine use, including chronic kidney, along with other urinary tract, damage.
The United Kingdom Minister of State for Crime Prevention, Norman Baker, responding to the ACMD's advice, stated that the issue of its rescheduling for medical and veterinary use would be addressed separately to allow for a length of consultation. Recreational use of ketamine was documented in early 1970’s in underground literature (The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers). It had been used in psychiatric and other instructional research through the 1970’s, culminating in 1978 with all the publishing of psychonaut John Lilly’s, “The Scientist,” also Marcia Moore and also Howard Alltounian’s, “Journeys into the Bright World,” that documented the unusual phenomenology of ketamine intoxication.

The incidence of non-medical ketamine use increased at the close of the century, especially in the context of raves and other underground parties. Ketamine’s emergence as a club drug differs from other drugs, like MDMA, however, due to the anesthetic attributes (slurred speech and/or immobilization) at greater doses; in addition, reports of ketamine being marketed as "ecstasy", are common.

In the 1993 publication, “E for Ecstasy” (it is about the use of the street drug, Ecstasy, in Great Britain), the author, activist, and Ecstasy advocate, Nicholas Saunders, highlighted test results showing that certain consignments of the drug also contained ketamine. Consignments of Ecstasy referred to as "Strawberry" contained, what Saunders described as a potentially harmful combination of ketamine, ephedrine, along with selegiline, as did a consignment of "Sitting Duck" Ecstasy tablets. The use of ketamine as part of the "post-clubbing experience" continues to be documented. Ketamine's rise in club culture was rapid in Hong Kong by the end of the 1990’s.

Ketamine use as a recreational drug, was implicated in deaths globally, with more than 90 deaths in England and Wales in the years of 2005-2013. They include accidental poisonings, drownings, targeted traffic injuries and suicides. Many of those deaths have been attributed to young people. That led to increased regulation (upgrading ketamine from a Class C to a Class B banned substance in the UK).

Australia: In Australia, ketamine is listed as a Schedule 8 Controlled Drug underneath the Poisons Regular (October 2015). Schedule 8 drugs are outlined in the Poisons Act 1964 as "Substances which are available for use but require restriction of fabrication, distribution, possession and use to reduce abuse, misuse and physical or psychological addiction.“ Australia's 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey Report shows an incidence of recent ketamine use of 0.3% in 2004 and 0.2% in 2007 and 2010 in persons aged 14 or older.

Canada: In Canada, ketamine has been classified as a Schedule I since 2005.

Hong Kong: In Hong Kong, since 2000, ketamine has been regulated under Schedule 1 of Hong Kong Chapter 134 Risky Drugs Ordinance. It can only be used legally by health professionals, for university research intentions, or with your doctor's prescription.

Taiwan: From 2002, ketamine was classified as Category III in Taiwan; given that the recent rise in popularity in East Asia, however, rescheduling ketamine to class I or II is being considered.

India: In December 2013 the government of India, in response to rising recreational use and the use of ketamine as a date rape drug, has added it to Schedule X of their Drug and Cosmetics Act requiring a distinctive permit for sale and maintenance of information of all earnings.

United States: According to this ongoing “Monitoring the Future Analysis” conducted by University of Michigan, incidence rates of recreational ketamine use among American secondary school students (grades 8, 10, and 12) have varied between 0.8% and 2.5% since 1999, with new rates at the decrease end of this range. The 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reports a rate of 0.1% for persons ages 12 or older with the maximum rate (0.2%) in those ages 18-25.

Further, 203,000 people are estimated to have used ketamine in 2006, along with an estimated 2.3 million individuals used ketamine at least once in their life. An overall total of 529 emergency department visits in 2009 had been ketamine related.

In 2003, the US Drug Enforcement Administration conducted Operation TKO, a probe into the quality of ketamine being imported from Mexico. As a result of operation TKO, US and Mexican authorities shut down the Mexico City company Laboratorios Ttokkyo, which had been the largest manufacturer of ketamine in Mexico. According to the DEA, over 80% of ketamine captured in the United States is of Mexican origin.

As of 2011, ketamine had been mostly sent from places like India as cheap as $6.00/gram. The World Health Organization Expert Committee on Drug Dependence, in its 33 report (2003), recommended research into ketamine’s recreational use owing to growing concerns about its rising popularity in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Europe: Cases of ketamine use in golf club venues have been found in the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Hungary, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Additional reviews of use and dependency have been reported in Poland and Portugal, as well.

Asia: In China, the small village of Boshe, in Guangdong, has been confirmed as a main production center when it was legalized in 2013.

Established by the Hong Kong Narcotics Division of the Security Bureau, the Central Registry of Drug Abuse (CRDA), maintains a database of all of the illicit drug users who have come into contact with law enforcement, treatment, health care, along with social organizations. The compiled data is confidential underneath the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance of Hong Kong, and statistics have been created freely available online on the quarterly basis.

Statistics from CRDA show that the number of ketamine users (all ages) in Hong Kong has increased from 1,605 (9.8% of total drug users) in 2000 into 5,212 (37.6%) in 2009. Increasing trends of ketamine use among illicit drug users under the age of 21 were also reported, rising from 36.9% of young drug users in 2000 to 84.3% in 2009.

A poll conducted among school-attending Taiwanese adolescents, reported incidence rates of 0.15% in 2004, 0.18% in 2005, and 0.15% in 2006 in middle-school (levels 7 and 9) college students; in Taiwanese high-school (levels 10 and 12) pupils, prevalence was 1.13% in 2004, 0.66% in 2005, and 0.44% in 2006. From precisely the same survey, a large portion (42.8%) of those that reported using MDM, also reported ketamine use.

Ketamine has been the second-most used illegal drug (behind MDMA) when it comes to Taiwanese adolescents, as reported by a multi-city street outreach study. In a report comparing the reporting rates between web questionnaires and paper-and-pencil questionnaires, ketamine use has been reported at a higher rate in the internet version. Urine samples obtained at a rave in Taipei, Taiwan showed elevated rates of ketamine use at 47.0%; this incidence was contrasted with that of detainees suspected of recreational drug use in the typical public, of which 2.0% of those samples tested positive for ketamine use.


Esketamine is a generic anesthetic and is used for similar indications similar to how ketamine is used for treatment resistant depression. Esketamine is used as a nasal spray or simply by injection into a vein. Esketamine is promoted as an antidepressant in the United States; and as an anesthetic in the European Union.

The uses include induction of anesthesia in high-risk patients such as the ones with hemorrhagic shock, anaphylactic shock, septic shock, acute bronchospasm, severe hepatic insufficiency, cardiac tamponade, and constrictive pericarditis; anesthesia in cesarean section; use of numerous anesthetics in burns; and a supplement to regional incisions with incomplete pathways.

The trade names of esketamine are as follows:

Esketamine Hydrochloride

Esketamine functions primarily as a non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist. Additionally, esketamine functions to some degree as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor but not like ketamine; as esketamine does not interact with the sigma receptors. The chemical is the S(+) enantiomer of ketamine, which is an anesthetic and dissociative similarly. It is unknown whether its antidepressant action is superior, inferior or adds up to racemic ketamine and its opposite enantiomer, arketamine, that are being investigated for its treatment of depression.

Esketamine was introduced for medical use in 1997. In 2019, it was prescribed for use with other antidepressants, for the treatment of depression in adults in the United States. In August 2020, esketamine was accepted by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with the indication for its short-term treatment of suicidal thoughts. Esketamine is a Schedule III controlled substance in the United States.

Ketamine’s Generic Trade Names

Ketamine is your English generic name for the drug; while “ketamine hydrochloride” is its own USAN, USP, BANM, along with JAN. Ketamine’s generic name in Spanish and Spanish Italian and also its own particular DCIT are “ketamina," in French and also its DCF are all “kétamine," in German is “ketamin," also in Latin is “ketamine”.

The S(+) stereoisomer of ketamine is called esketamine, and this is its own BAN while esketamine hydrochloride is it's BANM. Ketamine is primarily sold under the name of “Ketalar”. Ketamine is also marketed below an assortment of other brand names, such as:


Molecular Functions Of Ketamine

Ketamine principally functions as an antagonist of the NMDA receptor, a ionotropic glutamate receptor. The S(+) and ep (--) stereoisomers of ketamine bind for the dizocilpine site of the NMDA receptor with distinct affinities, the former showing approximately 2-3 fold greater affinity with the receptor than the latter. Ketamine may also interact with and inhibit the NMDAR through another allosteric site on the receptor. With a handful of exceptions ketamine actions at other receptors are much poorer compared to ketamine's antagonism of the NMDA receptor.

Although ketamine is an extremely feeble ligand of the monoamine transporters (Ki p 60 μM), it's been indicated that it could interact with allosteric sites on the monoamine transporters to create monoamine reuptake inhibition. However, no functional inhibition (IC50) of their individual monoamine transporters has been observed with ketamine or its metabolites at concentrations of as many as 10,000 nM.

Collectively, these findings shed uncertainty on the involvement of monoamine reuptake inhibition in the consequences of ketamine in people. Ketamine has been shown to increase dopaminergic neurotransmission in the brain, but instead of being brought on by dopamine reuptake inhibition, this may be by way of indirect/downstream mechanisms, namely as a result of antagonism of the NMDA receptor.

Ketamine as an agonist of D2 receptors is still controversial. Historical research by Philip Seeman's team found ketamine to be a D2 partial agonist with the effectiveness similar to that of its NMDA receptor antagonism. However, later research discovered the affinity of ketamine of >10 μM for its ordinary human anatomy and rat D2 receptors; moreover, whereas D2 receptor agonists, like bromocriptine, are able to rapidly and closely suppress prolactin secretion. Subanesthetic doses of ketamine have not been discovered to perform this in humans and in fact, has been discovered to dose-dependently increase prolactin levels.

Imaging studies have shown mixed results on inhibition of striatal [11C] raclopride binding by ketamine in humans, with some studies finding a significant reduction, along with others finding no such effect. However, fluctuations in [11C] raclopride binding may be a result of changes in dopamine concentrations induced by ketamine, rather than binding of ketamine to the D2 receptor.

Ketamine Levels & Impacts Relationships

Dissociation and psychotomimetic consequences have been reported in patients treated with ketamine at plasma concentrations of around 100 to 250 ng/mL (0.42-1.1 μM). The typical intravenous anti-depressant dosage of ketamine used to treat depression is low and also results in highest plasma concentrations of 70 to 200 ng/mL (0.29-0.84 μM). At comparable plasma concentrations (70 into 160 ng/ml; 0.29 even 0.67 μM), it also shows unwanted effects.

In 1-5 minutes following inducing anesthesia with a rapid intravenous injection of ketamine, its own plasma concentration reaches as large as 60-110 μM. When the operation was maintained using nitric oxide, together with continuous injection of ketamine, the ketamine concentration stabilized at about 9.3 μM. In an experiment with purely ketamine sedation, patients began to wake up once the plasma level of ketamine decreased to about 2,600 ng/mL (11 μM) and became oriented in place and time when the level has been down into 1,000 ng/mL (4 μM).

In a single-case analysis, the concentration of ketamine in cerebrospinal fluid, also a proxy for its brain concentration during operation, varied between 2.8 and 6.5 μM and was about 40% lower than in plasma.

Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacology Of Ketamine

Ketamine can be absorbed by several routes because of both its water and lipid solubility. Intravenous ketamine bioavailability is 100% by definition, intramuscular injection bioavailability is slightly lower at 93%, and epidural bio-availability is 77%. Subcutaneous bioavailability has never been measured, but is presumed to be quite high. Among the invasive routes, intranasal has the maximum bioavailability (45%-50%) and oral with the smallest (16%-20%). Sublingual and rectal bioavailabilities are intermediate, at about 25%-50%. After absorption, ketamine is rapidly distributed into the brain, as well as other tissues. The plasma protein binding of ketamine is variable, at about 47%.

In your system, ketamine undergoes extensive metabolism. It is biotransformed by CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 isoenzymes into norketamine, that, in turn, is converted by CYP2A6 and CYP2B6 into hydroxynorketamine and dehydronorketamine. The low oral bioavailability of ketamine is due to its first-pass effect also, possibly, ketamine intestinal metabolism by CYP3A4.

As a result, norketamine plasma levels are several-fold bigger compared to ketamine following oral administration, and norketamine can play a part in anesthetic and analgesic action of oral ketamine. This also explains why oral ketamine levels are independent of CYP2B6 task, unlike subcutaneous ketamine levels.

Following an intravenous injection of tritium-labelled ketamine, 91% of the radioactivity is recovered from urine and 3% from your feces. The medication is excreted mostly in the form of metabolites, with only 2% remaining unchanged. Conjugated hydroxylated derivatives of ketamine (80%) accompanied closely by dehydronorketamine (16%), will be definitely the absolute most predominant metabolites detected in urine.

Esketamine is approximately twice as effective as racemic ketamine. It is eliminated from the human body quicker than ketamine (dtc (--)-ketamine) or racemic ketamine, but arketamine slows its elimination. Many reports have indicated that esketamine features a more medically useful pharmacological action than arketamine or racemic ketamine, but so far only discovered in mice; so that the rapid antidepressant effect of arketamine has been greater and lasted longer than that of esketamine.

Esketamine inhibits dopamine transporters 8 times longer than ketamine. This increases dopamine action in the brain tissues. At dosages causing the same intensity of effects, esketamine is generally considered to be more agreeable by patients. Patients also generally recover mental functions quickly after being treated with pure esketamine; which may be described as a result of the simple fact that it is removed from their system faster and more swiftly. This is however in contradiction with R-ketamine being devoid of psychotomimetic side-consequences.

Unlike ketamine, esketamine does not bind significantly to sigma receptors. Esketamine increases blood metabolism in the frontal tissues, while ketamine reduces sugar metabolism in the brain. This difference may be responsible for the simple fact that esketamine generally includes an even more dissociative or hallucinogenic impact while ketamine is allegedly much more relaxing. However, another study found no real gap amongst racemic and (S)-ketamine on the patient's level of vigilance. Interpretation of this finding is complicated by the fact that racemic ketamine is 50% (S)-ketamine.

Ketamine works like a flash mob; temporarily taking over a certain receptor. In some cases with expert medical care, that can become a fantastic thing. But cross that line, and it's a very big issue. Your doctor will most likely not give you ketamine as an antidepressant nonetheless; scientists continue testing it for that. But if ketamine will bring you back from the depths of depression, it might be the very thing once and for all to eliminate your treatment resistant depression.

Chemistry Of Ketamine

Synthesis of Ketamine: 2-chlorobenzonitrile is reacted with the Grignard reagent cyclopentylmagnesium bromide to give (2-chlorophenyl)(cyclopentyl) methanone. This is then nominated using bromine to form the corresponding bromoketone, which is subsequently reacted with methylamine in an aqueous solution to form the exact methylimino derivative, 1-(2-Chloro-N-methylbenzimidoyl) cyclopentanol, with hydrolysis of the tertiary bromine atom. This final intermediate is then heated in decalin or another suitable high-boiling solvent, upon which the ring-expansion rearrangement occurs, thus forming ketamine.

Structure of Ketamine: In chemical structure, ketamine is an arylcyclohexylamine derivative. Ketamine is a chiral compound. The more active enantiomer, esketamine (S-ketamine), is additionally readily available for medical use under the model name Ketanest S, whereas the less active enantiomer, ketamine (R-ketamine), has never been promoted as an enantiopure drug for clinical use.

The optical rotation of the given enantiomer of ketamine can vary among its additives and completely totally free base form. The free base form of (S)‑ketamine displays dextrorotation and is therefore tagged (S)‑(+)‑ketamine. However, its hydrochloride salt shows levorotation and is thus labelled (S)‑(−)‑ketamine hydrochloride.

Detection of Ketamine: Ketamine could be quantitated in plasma or blood screens to confirm a diagnosis of poisoning in elderly patients, provide evidence in an impaired driving arrest or maybe to assist in an medicolegal death investigation. Blood or plasma ketamine concentrations are usually in a range of 0.5 even 5.0 mg/L in persons receiving the drug therapeutically (during standard anesthesia), 1-2 mg/L in those detained for impaired driving and 3-20 mg/L in victims of acute fatal overdose. Urine is often preferred for routine drug use monitoring goals. The clear presence of norketamine, a pharmacologically active metabolite, is useful for confirmation of ketamine ingestion.


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